Saturday, December 14, 2013

Something Wicked Chapter 12

Here's another chapter of Something Wicked by Lordryunson, this one introducing Nalidir.

Chapter 12: The King and the Warrior

As our heroes left Castle Wolfran, the strong winds started to
pick up again. A torrent of snow, blowing over our heroes heads
as even the giant Savul was getting rather cold. It became

stronger and fiercer as they left the castle which Savul once

called home. Soon, the storm was becoming too much for the group.

"This weather is getting too strong!" Cyril called out. "We'll
die in this snowstorm!"

Prince Anthony later came up with a predictable solution. "Quick,
all the females surround me and cover me up with their warmth!"
He later did a lewd smile. "We'll generate enough body heat,
and then..."

Before Prince Anthony could finish, Levine smacked him. "No
way you'd be using MY body warmth!" She grunted in disgust.

Mikhaela later talked to Melon Flower, "See anything yet?"

Melon Flower saw a strange looking cave. "There's a cave
ahead, we'll take a rest in there!"

"Excellent." Uahna nodded her head. A dark and musty cave,
probably filled with something as big as bears, ogres, or
somethings far worse down there. Somehow, it was better
being dead in a warm cave than the cold weather outside.
"We'll go inside and camp for the evening until the storm
subsides. Then we'll press forward."

Savul on the other hand, was used to this sort of weather.
He took the lead in providing a shield to protect them
from the storm. They went inside the cave to see where
they will rest up. "We've found a place to camp, but
I've noticed some people prefer more comfortable settings
than others."

"Savul's right, we gotta press further into the cave in
order to make room for everyone!" Cyril looked around, trying
to make all sorts of room for the rest of the party.
He later looked at Prince Anthony. "Of course, we still have
to make room for his royal highness."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Prince Anthony crossed his
arms as he looked at Cyril.

"Seeing that you prefer certain company over others...." Before
Cyril can finish, he suddenly looked at a strange looking
mechanism at the back of the cave. "Hello, what's this?"
He looked at the mechanism, ever so curiously as he can
see an outline in the cave. Could it be that it was meant to
shield passerby from the oncoming storm? "Everyone, over here!"

The whole party walked on over to the mechanism.

"What is it?" Uahna spoke.

"From the looks of that device," Melon Flower looked at it, "It is of
dwarven origin."

"Dwarven?" Levine later thought of something, "You don't suppose...."

"We'll find out soon enough." Cyril later gave the command, "Help
me move this rock, if we play our cards right, some dwarves can
shelter us from the storm!"

All of Cyril's party agreed. Prince Anthony only helped if it got
him closer to all the nubile women of the party. Really close.
Of course, he'd still have to deal with shy yet well endowed
Savul. Of course, there was some more women than men.

Then, with a click and a whirl, the mechanism then twirled around,
the holding rock then opened aside, causing the entire party to
fall through the doorway. They rolled all alongside the tunnels
and the caves, sprawling in one direction, and that direction
was towards a dwarven city.

The heroes landed in various positions as Cyril got up from
the fall to see if everyone was alright. "Everyone okay?"

"I'm fine." Savul spoke. "I've survived worse falls growing up."

"I'm glad you landed on something soft rather than the rest of
us, a literal rock and a hard place!" Melon Flower said this.

"Something soft?" Cyril then looked at his hands groping
something incredibly soft. He squeezed it several times
before he realized something is completely wrong.

"You're welcome." Uahna winked at him as she did a
kissing gesture.

"GYAH!" Cyril was forced to remove his hands from the
soft, cushiony thing, as it later turned out to be Uahna's
breasts. They bounced as the hands were removed. "I'm
sorry, I didn't know...."

"Paradise....." Prince Anthony on the other hand was enjoying
placing his hands on something ample and squishy as well. It
was a woman's rear end; Although it paled in comparison to
a certain evil Valkyrie Elf's rear end, it was still enough
to be as soft as a pillow.

However, the owner of said tushy was not happy. "PERVERT!!" She
slapped Prince Anthony away as he was launched into another
soft area. It was larger than any other woman in Cyril's party
by far, and it was only surpassed by Melon Flower's shape-shifting
abilities. Anthony's hands were dug right into the soft area as
another voice was shouted out the exact same phrase, accompanied
by an electrical shock.

Poor Prince Anthony. Both Levine and Mikhaela were smacking him
around. "Why me?" Thought the prince.

"Um, could you save your anger for getting us out of this?"
Cyril was in a tight spot. Not just in a compromising position
with Uahna, but a group of golden to bronze armored, heavily
armed dwarves. The entire party was surrounded by them.

Their leader was grey haired, and sporting some
clips in his hair. He was dressed in gold armor, except he
had blue cloth standing out.

"Intruders!" The leader screamed out. "You are trespassing
on Umbaren grounds!" He pointed his axe at Cyril. "As
general of the many guards, I, Borion Galvinous, place
you under arrest!"

"Wait," Cyril spoke, "Don't we get a trial first, a chance
to hear our story?" He looked at Borion. "We don't mean
to trespass, we were seeking shelter from the storm."

"Save your lies, manling!" Borion snarled. "The king
will decide your fate." He later ordered his men. "Take
them to the throne room! King Glodrick will be pleased to
see them!"

The dwarves obeyed as they hoisted the entire party to the
Umbaren Palace, which stood out from the other structures
within the city walls.


"Who are these elves, elf-friends, and a fae creature?"
The shouter was a very regal dwarf, with red-brown hair
and a beard, clipped by two golden cuffs. He wore elegant
beads in his hair, and even sporting a jeweled crown.
His eyes were hazel, almost matching his shirt. Over that
was a regal red coat, with greenish pants and boots. He
was muscular, as he led his troops into battle. Here,
he seems jovial that there are guests among them.

"I am Cyril Oakmead, and this is Prince Anthony of Callister,
the cleric Uahna, her consort Levine, Melon Flower of the
Fae, Savul of Wolfran Castle, and lastly is my teacher
Mikhaela at your service." He introduced all members of his party.
"Forgive us your majesty," Cyril protested. "We told Borion
as we will tell you, we don't mean to trespass, we merely
seek shelter from the storm."

"War criminals, all of them!" Borion screamed out. "Let
me sentence them to our prison mines where they shall work
until their muscles bleed!"

"There's no need for that." The king on his throne raised his
hand. "These aren't war criminals, but they are travelers who
have eyes as honest as our very beards." He later stood up. "You
will forgive Borion, he has little tolerance for guests,
especially outsiders, trespassers and elves."

"Who are you?" Prince Anthony spoke.

The king smiled. "I am King Glodrick Umbrius the first of the
Umbaren Empire, and I offer you all shelter from the deadly storm."

"Dwarven king," Levine pointed her spear at him. "I don't
care if you welcome us, try to do any funny business...."

"LEVINE!" Uahna stepped right in front of her. "He's
offering shelter from the oncoming storm, and this is
how you repay him?!"

Levine growled as she pulled Uahna into a secluded spot.
"I don't care if he gives us weapons, these dwarves profitted
from our own civil war, one that nearly drove the elves into
oblivion, don't you remember?"

"How could I have forgotten...." Uahna later reminisced about
how her ancestors fought against the dreaded elves that
nearly drove the other elf races to near extinction.
"That was a long time ago." Uahna spoke as she looked at her friend.
"Things have gotten alot better with Haithren's apparent demise."

"How could you be sure that Haithren died in the war?" Levine was
unsure about the whole thing.

"Well, I don't want to interrupt," Prince Anthony looked at Levine
and Uahna. "But I want to see if this Haithren was as handsome as
they say, I have little information on Elven legends and wanted
to see if this fella is as dashing and deadly as you say."

Uahna smiled. She later called out to Cyril, "Cyril sweetie,
could you lend us your scrying sphere? Prince Anthony wanted
to see parts of our history."

Cyril agreed. He searched his pocket for a scrying sphere as
he handed it to Uahna while she activated it, showing an image
of Haithren the Defiler.

He shows the lightest gray skin,
and blood red boils which formed Alphaenon's mark on his back.
He has ghost white hair and serpent yellow eyes. He is
considered the most handsome of the Alphaenon Elves, and he

wore red robes and golden plating.

"By the gods." Prince Anthony gasped in horror.

Mikhaela quietly tells him, "This is the last person we want to meet, a
force of hatred that is trying to wipe out an entire race of elves
for having their fertility goddess betray him and his men."

"It's virtually impossible to be a sex object when your
main goal is extermination of a group of nubile women, that's
beyond wrong." Prince Anthony, despite being the self proclaimed,
'the god's gift to women' even has a moment where he has to put
his foot down; At least he treats women with some respect.

"UAHNA!" Levine screamed, "Why did you show that pervert the dread
defiler of elven kind?!"

Uahna smiled. "I thought I could educate our dear prince about
the world around him, no need to be testy about it."

"He's the type of elf to give people nightmares just by telling
stories about him, he nearly drove our women folk to extinction
out of jealousy! Even you won't have sex with him!"

"Point taken." Uahna concluded her statement. "What happened was
that the Dwarves have gotten a treaty with the Elves alongside
the road, despite our differences."

"Listen to your friend...." Glodrick looked at Levine.

"Levine." She spat at him. "That's all you need to know."

"Anyway," Glodrick continued speaking. "What happened in
the past, stays in the past; Haithren is long gone, and times
of peace has filled these halls faster than our coffers!"
He later called out to the rest of his troops. "Everyone!
We must have a feast right away to welcome our new friends!"

The golden armored dwarves rushed on over to set a welcoming
party for the brave adventurers that are eager to learn more
about the dwarven cultures.

"See, he's not a bad guy once you get to know him." Uahna
smiled as she patted Levine on the shoulder.

"We'll see." Levine was suspicious about the whole thing.

Little did our young travelers know, the king was not
trustworthy as he appeared.


At the feasting hall, many dwarves were sitting at their tables,
singing songs of brave warriors and legends who were known
to split the very mountains themselves. They swung their
mugs of various drinks, from beer, to ale, wine, juice;
They were full of vigor and life as they laughed and
drank to welcome the coming of grand heroes.

Well, mostly Cyril and his party. They were hardly the grand
heroes in legends, but they did idolize some, if not all of
them, and wanted to go on glorious adventures. They can also
have wonderous sex along the way.

The soldiers there were all dressed in a dwarven bronze or
gold armor with a variety of one color capes and linings
that made them stood out from other soldiers of the empire.

Levine in the meanwhile, was still discouraged about the
whole thing. An elf like her in a Dwarven city? This could
be an excellent way of getting killed, captured, or worse.

Beside her was a gruff dwarf. A general of Glodrick's
army, he was distinguished by a dirty blonde beard and
an eyepatch over one of his eyes. He was dressed like the
others, except his cloak was red, and his pants were maroon.
"You seem down in the dumps." The dwarf spoke.

"I don't need your opinion!" Levine swatted him aside. "Besides,
try anything foolish, and you will have another severed eye to
contend with!"

The gruff dwarf shrugged. "Those who live in the past are doomed
to be walled in it without taking a single step forward." He
hands her a mug of the finest ale in the entire Umbaren Empire.
"On the other hand, good memories are always worth flaunting,
which is why we kept this ale nice and fresh!"

"There he goes again, Dvarin." Borion hissed. "Ranting
about how the past is both wonderful and lost. We ought remember
those who have slighted us and not forgive them by slaying every
last elf and elf friend in this very room, including that swine
Nalidir! He gives us a bad name though reason alone!"

Dvarin, the third general, snapped at him. He was like his
comrade, except his cloth was green, and he had a slightly
blonde hair, even moreso than the eyepatch dwarf.
He had a green cloak. "Not without the King's orders
you're not." He looked at the first general. "Must
I remind you that we are both under his thrall?"

Borion shrugged. "You're right. Forgive my temper."

"Try anything foolish, and your temper won't be the only thing
that will be lost." Dvarin held up his axe. "Equal or no, you
are still bound to the King's Oath. Are we clear?"

Borion did a silent yes.

Back to the party, the ever sexy cleric nudged her friend Levine,
"You heard him." Uahna, not knowing who the dwarf is, spoke
the following, "Besides, I've always wanted to see what dwarven
beverages taste like!"

Levine swallowed some spit. She took the mug and looked down
on it. She held a deep breath as she tried to control herself.
With a breath of anticipation, she guzzled and drank the ale
as she saw the world blur around her.

"How was it, Levine?" Uahna looked at her friend as Levine can
see a blurry image.

"Tell us, how was it?" Nalidir spoke to Levine about the
ale she just drank.

With all that going through her mind, Levine's face was suddenly
flushed with drunkeness as she went through a drastic change.
It was acting like a different personality was about to emerge
from the coccoons of her mind like a butterfly greeting the world.
"Hello cutie." She cooed towards Uahna. She went up towards
her and embraced her, her breasts mashed in with Uahna's as
she delivered a very arousing kiss.

The other dwarves were shocked at this at first, as well as
the rest of the party, but Prince Anthony was amazed to see
such splendor. He stood up as he watched the two elves get
into a lesbian party.

"Might I join in?" Prince Anthony's member was throbbing so
hard as he saw the two elves got it on.

Levine broke away from her kiss as she called out to the prince,
"Come on in, the forest is fine!" Levine then removed her top
outfit as she revealed her huge breasts to the perverted prince.

It was then that Anthony dove in for a threesome with those
two elves. The clothes were flung as Anthony's fleshsword was
unsheathed while he had his way with the two elven women. He
placed his hands on the two elven butts as he placed his
shaft in between the two elf asses. He then clasped their
breasts as he was somehow double smooched by Levine and Uahna
on the cheeks of his face.

The dwarves were at first disgusted by the elves sexual manner,
but the music later changed from a welcoming party tune, to
a song showing how sexy elves are, but at the same time, they
are pretty twisted on the inside; Not just the Dark Elves.

Mikhaela, too distracted being tipsy from all that dwarven
ale, looked at Cyril while Prince Anthony had his threesome
with the two elves. She looked at Cyril as she said, "Care
to dance with me?"

Cyril was honored by this as he took Mikhaela's hand and started
to dance. Of course, they wanted to get away from Prince
Anthony's paradise as the perverted prince continued to
have his fun.

Uahna and Levine sandwiched their breasts right around the
member as it erected itself as they pumped their fleshy love
into Anthony's own. Their butts bounced as Anthony continued
slapping them, causing them to bounce.

Anthony in the meanwhile, was grabbing those boobs as he
squeezed Uahna and Levine's boobs while the two elves were
enjoying themselves.

"Harder big boy, harder!" Levine squealed in ecstasy as she
was still drunk.

"Can we please dance without all this noise?" Mikhaela spoke
as she continued dancing while being tipsy.

"I'm trying the best I can, but we don't know this area
that well, we might accidentally stumble upon something we
aren't meant to know!" Cyril responded.

"Like why the normally stoic Levine is having her way with
Anthony of all people?!" Mikhaela spoke as she continued looking
at the orgy.

"Well, not that." Cyril added in. "That is something I'd like to
talk to Uahna when this is over."

Prince Anthony later had his fun alternating his shaft in between
Uahna and Levine's love holes as he tried to figure out which
has taken the most pumps.

In speaking of pumps, the king was looking at Mikahela's impressive
bosom. He was gawking at them like various passerby female dwarves.
With his status, he could have any female dwarf he wanted, but
some aren't quite to his liking; Besides, some were already married,
some prefer to be single, others just didn't care.

Said bosom bounced while Mikhaela continued to dance with Cyril.

Normally someone would ask the king about his sudden fascination
with a human woman, but no one wanted to; unless they wanted to earn
a swift end in prison, the mines, the execution platform, exile,
or a mixture of the above.

While Cyril and Mikhaela were dancing, an object fell from the
breasts of Mikhaela while they bounced and wobbled.

King Glodrick was distracted from both the orgy and the breasts
to see something just as rewarding; The Dragon's Blood Ruby,
an object of untold power. Such power in his hands could mean
the end of all that would oppose him, and then some.

Mikhaela quickly took the Ruby back in her outfit as she looked
at the king. She broke away from Cyril as she later got out of
her tipsiness and sat back at her seat. Something was quite
wrong here.

Glodrick smiled, "Young lady, I would like to speak to you in
my chambers."

Mikhaela sweatdropped. 'Another man who obviously wants my
talents, great.' She sarcastically thought as she was suddenly
forced to leave the party in order to talk to Glodrick.

"Mistress," Cyril spoke, "Where are you going?"

"I'm going to speak to Glodrick about something, I won't take
too long." The sorceress smiled as she left the area.

Savul couldn't figure out if this was typical of the party, or
something that his mother has shielded him from because he
didn't want to bring home complete strangers who were more
interested in his shaft rather than who Savul is on the
inside. He wanted to join in, but he doesn't know Prince
Anthony that well.

As for Melon Flower, she spoke to Cyril in secret, "I'm going
to check on Glodrick. He must have to invited Mikhaela to his
chambers for a reason."

"Please do, report back to me as soon as you get any updates."
Cyril spoke as Melon Flower flew off. "I'm going to take a
walk." It was then he got up and walked out of the party.

Nalidir got up and followed Cyril. There was something about that
boy that was able to bring a motley band of warriors to the
king's presence.

Anthony, Levine and Uahna in the meanwhile where concluding their
orgy. As Anthony's hands dug right in Levine and Uahna's combined
boobflesh, the girls were getting rather excited to have Prince

Anthony ram their asses with his shaft. It would be nice to have

a cloning spell that could allow Anthony to make a copy of himself
so he can ram one and the clone can ram the other; Plus, he
could make himself twice as beautiful as some books say. However,
cloning can also be a double edged sword; What if the clone
wanted to take the glory for himself? Prince Anthony pondered
this as he screamed out, "I'M GONNA CUM!!" It was then he
unleashed his seed upon Uahna and Levine's nubile bodies as
relaxed as the ladies did the same.

Savul, realizing that he didn't know a lick about advanced sex,
said the following, "He should've worn a protection spell."
It was then he drank his ale.


Cyril, realizing that he was somehow left out of the orgy,
decided to take a walk around the Umbaren City. He looked at
all sorts of statues of great heroes and warriors who served
Dwarven Kings past and present.

"I see you admire Stalgrin Moridill, a proud warrior if I do
say so myself."

Cyril turned around and saw what was following him. "Don't
scare me like that, I was just looking at the statues."

Nalidir smiled. "When he died, he gave me this axe." He showed
Cyril his rune-enchanted axe. It was big enough for Nalidir to
hold while he looked at Cyril. "I am his son, Nalidir Moridill
at your service." He shook Cyril's hand.

Cyril then looked at him. "Cyril Oakmead, It's nice to meet you."
He then looked all around the city. "Was Umbaren always like this?"

Nalidir shrugged. "I wasn't born in Umbaren, I was born within a
cold and frigid mountain village known as Shardil, named after one
of the Dwarven Paladins of Gillsgrad, and good friend of Thruan,
before the latter died and gave the throne to Glodrick."
He walked alongside Cyril. "As for the former, he perished as
well, and joined her royal Majesty St.Gillsgrad at her Palace
as they continue to fight their long war for eternity."

Cyril heard stories of St. Gillsgrad, the first Paladin, the
Holy Woman Knight, sire of a thousand young. He was intrigued
to learn more about the dwarf. "So why move to Umbaren?"

Nalidir lowered his head. "Lost an eye in battle, but not just
an eye, but an entire family at the hands of greedy, tithe collecting
Ogres who simply refused to leave both the surrounding Umbaren
lands alone, and at the head of it all, was the Ogre Queen Gulgia
Gluttongrind; Spoke in hushed whispers as her prowess was
unheard of, having the strength to level all of Umbaren if
she wanted, but for some bizarre reason, she never did so."
He looked at Cyril with his good eye. "Glodrick took me in
after I lost my family to these bloodthirsty monsters, and
I served as general ever since."

"You lost your family?" Cyril was shocked at this. "I'm sorry
to hear that, they must've really loved you."

"They did fight back!" Nalidir interjected. "By Genosa and
Fenrin as my witness, I will avenge them and restore peace
to the land; However, the King seemed to be off these past
few months."

"Off?" Cyril peered in. "What do you mean?"

"I can't put my finger on it, but Gromindi, the father of Dwarven
kind, gave me a vision of Glodrick breaking the treaty forged
by our ancestors, and going on a mad quest that will eventually
end his reign without having a single heir." He later got out a
crossbow. "As for me, all that's left of my heirs are my son's
crossbow, my wife's shield and my daughter's pendant; their
dreams were to make their husband and father happy." A tear ran down
Nalidir's good eye. "I don't know what's more wonderful
now, a good sexual experience, or another chance at fatherhood."

"If we're lucky," Cyril later tried to cheer up Nalidir.
"We might enjoy both!"

Later, a dwarf ran up to Nalidir and whispered in his ear.

Nalidir later turned to Cyril and said, "We'll have to
cut our conversation short, I'm needed in the main chamber."
He later waved his hand. "It was nice meeting you, Cyril
Oakmead!" He ran off.

Cyril later looked at Nalidir as he smiled. "Now there's a
person who's been through fatherhood and wants a second
chance, as well as a good sexual experience." He later
walked back to the party. "He might even show me some tricks."


Outside of the entire Umbaren Mountain Halls, Lady Contrina,
Sorryn and Berunka were walking past the place where the heroes
have gotten inside the mountain pass. Contrina and Berunka
wanted to avoid the place, despite all the power at they
had at their disposal. Sorryn however, was resistant to the
cold, for her Valkyrian Elf genes allowed her to be resistant
to frost.

"Why aren't we following those brats into the mountain range?!"
Sorryn demanded as she continued walking, her massive breasts
bounced and wobbled within her armor, as well as her butt and
belly having the same effect.

Berunka answered, "That mountain range is home to King Glodrick
of the Umbaren Empire, enemy of Gulgia the Ogre Queen." She
continued walking. "We serve the latter, and the former is
not too fond of her for her 'negotiations.'"

"Plus, there is something in Heather Valley that I want."
Contrina added in. "A blade that was forged from a sliver
of the Pleasure Goddesses own blade, one that will force
a victim of it's slash to jerk off and/or have sex with
someone, male or female."

"I'd say we move in and kill those brats, Glodrick, take
the Ruby and leave before someone avenges them all! Gulgia
will be pleased with us!" Sorryn suggested.

"No, that would jeopardize our mission here, to sneak past the
so called heroes and make our way into Heather Valley."
Contrina had the right idea. Her breasts bounced as she said this.
"Besides, Berunka has an idea on how to get past her hated kin."

"I know a shortcut into Heather Valley." Berunka smiled as she
somehow knew all the routes from Umbaren to Heather Valley. "It
will take the heroes longer than us, and we will have what we
need to bolster our forces."

"What about Ravutha and Flatia?" Sorryn spoke. "Won't they get in
the way as well?"

"Let's focus on getting our treasures from Heather Valley first,
then we can worry about our many rivals." Contrina gave the
command as her plump breasts and belly wobbled forth. "Onward,
to Heather Valley!"

The rest of the party obeyed. Normally Berunka would summon a
mighty undead beast to fly them over to Heather Valley, but
they didn't want to be too conspicuous.


While Levine was getting it on with Anthony and Uahna, the
King took Mikhaela to his private quarters. After seeing a
certain item fell out of Mikhaela's cleavage during that
feasting scene, Glodrick looked at the object wedged
in between the sorceresses cleavage.

"I should be wondering on why you invited me to your
private quarters so willingly." Mikhaela spoke. "I assume
sex is out of the question, since my virginity belongs to
another, and you can have any woman you wanted with
your immaculate wealth."

"Indeed." Glodrick smiled as he saw that certain object.
It was indeed, the very object that many people sought
ever since they heard stories about it. Mikhaela pushed it

further down into her cleavage and the king focused back on

her face. "How much for the Dragon's Blood Ruby?" The king

pointed his scepter at her bosom.

Mikhaela, understanding that the Ruby in the wrong hands

could only lead to disaster regardless of race or religion
has this to say about the whole situation. "Not for sale."

She later came up with an alternate price, a more, warm

approach. She took off her top and exposed her
breasts to the king.

The other dwarves members were erect to see such mountains
within these stoic caves.

Mikhaela can only smile. "Why not have your fleshy pickaxe
carve your way through these mountains, and it will make
the Ruby seem like a worthless trinket." She hefted those
breasts and jiggled them in her hands. 'Damn, is Melon
Flower rubbing off on me?' She thought as she continued
hefting those boobs.

In speaking of Melon Flower, she stood to one side, unseen.
She watched the entire thing as she fluttered her wings
to see what was going on.

The other dwarves wanted to squeeze, suckle and drive their
flesh swords across those mountains, but they were awaiting
Glodrick's command first.

Glodrick himself however, shook his head. "Just the Ruby."

Disgusted by this, Mikhaela covered herself up. "Then you
are out of luck."

Glodrick, somehow becoming more and more stubborn, had
this to say. "Name your price for the Ruby."

Mikhaela snorted. "I told you it's not for sale! Even if
could get a dozen men to have sex with me, not to
paying enough expenses for our travels, it will

still not be enough to pay for the Ruby!"

"Are you saying that Ruby is more valuable than the entire
Umbaren Treasury and a wonderful sexual experience?!"
Glodrick peered in.

"Ask the various zany characters who wanted the Ruby." Mikhaela
got up and walked away. "Now if you excuse me, I have a party
to get back to." It was then that Mikhaela was gone.

Glodrick then turned to his generals, Borion, Dvarin and Nalidir.
Each stood right across the way from their king. "Generals three,
I have an assignment for all of you."

"That is?" Nalidir blinked his good eye.

"The fabled Dragon's Blood Ruby, a gem that is said to
deliver great power to those who wield it, even immortality!"
Glodrick clenched his fists.

"The Dragon's Blood Ruby?" Dvarin widened his eyes. "I thought
it was just a myth!"

"Well, it is real as the mountains themselves, and it must
be ours, for the glory of the Umbaren Empire!" He slammed his
fist on the arm of the throne.

"They could've fooled us, my king." Borion continued kneeling.
"They could be holding one of the dreaded fake rubies around
town; You might turn into one of those damned Fauxagons!"

"That's why I invited Master Aegis to the throne room." Glodrick
responded. "Once we get our mitts on the Dragon's Blood Ruby,
we will have Aegis examine it; If we get our hands on the real
deal, we will have the power to crush all that stand before us,
even those damned Ogres and Infernal Dwarves!"

"If it's a fake?" Borion looked at his king.

"Who knows?" Glodrick shrugged. "Maybe we'll have our army of
Fauxagons, or sell it for a very cheap price." By cheap,
Glodrick really meant really expensive. "Time is of the
essence Nalidir, Borion and Dvarin." Glodrick commanded.
"Bring me the Dragon's Blood Ruby, and I will see to it
that your families will be avenged for not only the
Dwarven Elven wars, but the Great Purge set forth by
Dravius and his acolytes!"

Nalidir had this to say, "We are warriors and treasure
hunters, not thieves! We have to scour the land for
our own Ruby if needed be!"

"You have your orders, Nalidir!" Glodrick raised his voice
slightly. "The rest of you, see to it that all of you
retrieve the Dragon's Blood Ruby! When the night falls,
and the heroes rested, we will take the Ruby right
under their noses!"

The Generals got up. "As you command, my king." Dvarin turned around,
and left the room. Deep down inside, Nalidir dare not speak it
yet, but something was very wrong with his king. Still, he
wondered if helping such a mad king was a good idea.
As for Borion, his loyalties are strictly to the king.
However, there was something in his eyes that were
exceedingly off about the whole situation.

Melon Flower heard the entire thing. She had to report back to
Cyril as quickly as possible!


As the heroes were worn out from their sexual party (Well, mostly
Levine, Anthony and Uahna,), the three generals were walking alongside
one another with axes in hand, ready to steal the Dragon's Blood
Ruby, and any other valuables to slake the thirst of a greedy king.

"Now, if I remember correctly," Borion said, "The one with the
largest breasts has the Ruby in her possession." He later
turned to Dvarin. "Go and search her while she's tuckered out."

"I'm not touching her!" Dvarin protested. "You are touching her!"

"Nalidir!" Borion called out, "Go and search her for the Ruby!"

"What's the matter, you scared?" Nalidir bit back. "Besides,
the king didn't assign whoever was in charge of the operation!"

Melon Flower flown in and woke Mikhaela by tugging on one of
her clothes. "Wake up, we're bound to have company!"

Mikhaela woke up to see the three generals trying to figure out
who would take the ruby from right under their noses. "So, the
king won't take no for an answer." She got up as she called out,
"Everyone! Wake up! We got trespassers in our midst!"

Levine was the first to wake up. She got into the fray with
her chest bouncing. "I knew these dwarves wouldn't be trusted!"
She pointed her spear at all three of them as the opponents....

Simply gawked at her. Something was indeed amiss, and the
answer is right in front of her.

Levine's breasts were exposed! Right when she was drunk! She
was forced to cover herself up as she swatted the nearby dwarf,
which happened to be Dvarin, as he was the tank of the group.
"PERVERTS!!" She slammed her way past Dvarin and Borion as
she knocked them over like falling trees. Although the dwarves
fought back with axes, they were outmaneuvered by Levine's speed,
and open top.

Nalidir on the other hand, was saying an incantation as the
runes on his body started to glow.

Levine was charging towards Nalidir as she screamed out, "PERISH,
DWARF PERVERT!!" She raised her spear at him as her bosom bounced
while charging....

However, Nalidir's rune weaponry was more than a match for Levine
as he knocked her back. He then gave out an honorable command,
"Cover yourself up, it's not fair to have my allies stare at
your assets while we attempt to fight you."

Levine obeyed. Something was completely wrong with Nalidir, despite
being the one who gotten her drunk in the first place. "You were unwise
to get me in this position in the first place!" She charged
Nalidir with her spear swung at his shield, hoping she would
destroy it.

The dwarf somehow pushed his shield and rammed the elf. "A two
handed weapon is great for offense, but it sometimes leaves
you vulnerable for a counter attack." He then charged towards
Levine. "LIKE SO!" He then knocked her back as he fought with
her some more.

"DON'T LECTURE ME!" She charged towards Nalidir as Levine
twirled her spear around.

"That a boy, Nalidir!" Dvarin smiled as he recovered from
the sudden impact. He later called out to Mikhaela. "So,
you figured out that we'd take the Dragon's Blood Ruby,
so hand us the artifact, and we will be on our way."

Mikhaela refused. "I'd rethink that sentence if I were you."

Suddenly, both Borion and Dvarin were lifted up by a very
gigantic man.

"What do you want me to do with them?" Savul spoke as he
lifted up both Borion and Dvarin by the cloaks.

"Hold them steady." Mikheala commanded. "As for you Nalidir,
I'd turn back and tell the king that the Ruby can't be obtained
if I were you, less you want to see your partners in arms be
torn to shreds."

"She's bluffing!" Borion called out. "Even if you lay down
your arms, she'd still order that monstrosity to kill us!"

"Not to mention all of us to contend with." Cyril added in
as he woke up, alongside Melon Flower, Anthony, and Uahna.
"Even with your runes, you'd still be outclassed."

Nalidir was at a tough spot. If he attacked the sorceress and
her friends further, Mikhaela might order Savul to kill
Borion and Dvarin! If he laid down his arms, it would be
an act of cowardice. Despite his gruff exterior, he was
loyal to those who would aid him back, and seeing his
eagerness to teach the stern Levine about weaponry, that's
no surprise. He placed his weapon on his back, and said,
"Very well, you win. Stealing the Dragon's Blood Ruby
wasn't my idea, nor would I want to steal from those
who don't deserve it."

"Nalidir, what are you doing?" Borion was rather ticked
off about this.

"He's saving us," Dvarin looked at Borion. "Or, at
least he's trying to save us."

"I was trained as a warrior, to fight all opposition and
crush the evil, I wasn't made to be a thief." Nalidir lowered
his head.

"Serves you right!" Borion commanded. "You're weak, defeated
by a group of Ogres who weren't even our level, and you have those
tattoos to compensate for your really small..."

"BORION!" Dvarin snapped. "Might I remind you that you had a
SIMILAR run in with something, ELVES?!"

"I received a vision stating that there was something off
with the king, threatening to jeopardize the peace treaty
between elves and humans."

"He's lying!" Borion screamed out. "Hurry up and kill them,
or are you trying to betray yourself on purpose?!"

"Please, let me join you on your quest to not only set King
Glodrick right, but to help you defeat Gulgia, and other
evil forces like her." Nalidir then knelt down. "I am
at your service."

Mikhaela smiled. "Well, that wasn't so hard." She then
turned to Savul as she gave a nod to him.

Savul placed the two dwarves down and the two generals
ran off towards the kneeling dwarf.

"You should've never sold us out to save our lives!" Dvarin
snarled at Nalidir. "I don't care if you gotten a vision from
Gromindi himself while the rest of us didn't, if the king
finds out about your betrayal, he'd have our heads!"

"It's been already found out."

The rest of the cast turned around to see the King in all
of his glory. Flanked by guards, he dressed in his golden armor
with a more luxurious design to it, and even bearing a
blue furred cape.

"So, you've shown your true colors at last." Glodrick was not
happy with progress being made as he saw Nalidir expose Glodrick
for the greedy scum that he is through the Dwarven God. "Recruiting
you was a mistake, I sensed that you would sell out your own
kin to aid those not of your own!"

"I say this again, I am a warrior, not a thief nor a murderer!"
Nalidir protested. "Gromindi himself gave me a vision, a vision
that you would threaten the safety of the treaty set forth
by our ancestors!"

"Save the king your lies!" Borion stepped in. He later
faced his king as he spoke, "Allow me to kill them and take
the ruby, as well as various other trinkets too!"

Glodrick glared at Borion. "No Borion."

"But...." Borion was shocked at this, but the King had the
right idea. Besides, Dvarin was glaring down at him.
"Well, no sense arguing."

"At least, not yet." Glodrick then glared down Mikhaela. "I'll
ask you again, surrender the Ruby to me, and I will spare your
lives." He looked at the traitorous Nalidir. "You saw how
Nalidir kept his word by surrendering to save his fellow
generals, and I intend to keep my promise by sparing your
lives should you hand me the Ruby." He then lent out his
hand. "What do you say?"

Mikhaela snarled. "Well don't make any promises you can't keep."
She then casted a massive firewall, blocking the dwarves from
approaching them. She, alongside with the party, ran towards
the exit.

"You still refuse?" Glodrick glared at her. "Well, don't say
I didn't warn you, sorceress!" He later called out to those
who are still loyal to him, "Kill them, but bring me the
Dragon's Blood Ruby!"

Several dwarves were chasing after them, armed with
axes, blades, and a variety of weapons at their disposal. They
even had siege drakes moving in for the kill as they ran down
the pathways.

However, Levine, then used her spear to stab the drake in the knees,
wounding it and throwing the dwarf off it's back.

Savul helped out by knocking the dwarves aside like stone giants
plowing through mountains to fight off dangers to their camps.
He used his ice wall to create a barrier to keep the dwarves
back from them.

Melon flower also helped out by cloaking the heroes in an
invisibility mist that confused the attackers. Even with a
motley party, they have an entire empire to contend with,
legions and legions of dwarves ready to do battle with
all the heroes in a hopeless tide of war.

"Over here, I found the exit!" Nalidir called out as he
allowed the rest of the party as he caused a cave in with the
swing of his runic axe as he blocked off any pursuers.

Suddenly, when the smoke cleared, the entire party was gone.
They also took the Ruby with them.

Borion was furious about the whole thing. "They're gone, and it
was all thanks to that insolent Nalidir!" He knelt before the king.
"I'll go after those fools, and bring you the ruby all in one
sitting!" He was eager to get revenge for the whole thing.

King Glodrick had another idea. "No Borion, I will pursue the
heroes, since anybody here can't do their job right!" He later
turned to Dvarin. "As for you, you are coming with me while
Borion here will be in charge of the empire until I return!"

Dvarin nodded his head in happiness. He wanted to fight alongside
legends such as these, and this might be the opportunity he
was looking for. "As you command, my king." He walked alongside
Glodrick as the two of them searched for an alternate exit.

"Of course majesty, I'll keep your seat warm." Borion spoke
as he knelt before the king as Glodrick and Dvarin left the area
in a siege drake of his own. A handful of dwarves followed him
as well, in case of back up.

Borion, as he watched the king leave, did a very cruel smile
as he watched the king let his guard down yet again, all in
the name of greed. 'Your greed will be the end of you, and
once you are out of the picture, I will have your throne,
and the Galvinous Empire will rise from the ashes, all
in the name of High Priestess Flatia!'

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