Saturday, December 14, 2013

Something Wicked Chapter 10

Here's a new chapter for Something Wicked, this one from Lordryunson.

Chapter 10: Elven Sanctuary

The Kalwain Mountains are anything but pleasant. In fact,
it is one of the more colder places to be in the world.
Highlighted by the fact that the heroes are trudging
towards, whatever they are trying to reach. That
destination will be explained immediately.

"How much futher?" Cyril spoke as he watched
his party trudge through the snow. The blizzard was
blowing so hard that the party was moving rather
slowly, despite the warm clothes they wore.

Mikhaela looked ahead of her. "Just a few more
minutes and we should be able to reach Limentin
within the next half hour!" Then she realized something.
"However, with all this weather being bad, we'll
have to stop by Nordma until the weather clears up!"

Uahna and Levine were also trudging through the
snow as they suddenly realized something, "Nordma..."
Levine pondered this. "Isn't this where a group of
Valkyrian Elves live?"

"Is that a problem?" Uahna responded.

"If they see any men, they would probably kill them
on sight, or worse!" Levine readied her spear in
case of an ambush. Despite the cold area, the
natives of that area were well versed in the art
of travel. "Worse, we have two of them!"

"You worry too much, Levine!" Uahna giggled. "Times
had changed since the Valkyrian Reformation, they
nowadays would like to please just about anybody,
including Prince Anthony!"

In speaking of Prince Anthony, he was bringing up
the rear. All in the while of looking at the women's
rear ends. Not as glorious as the breasts, but the
rear ends are noteworthy too, seeing them bounce
as they walked. "Either way, bring them on! They
will not find the Prince of Callister unequipped!"

"Well, at least your confidence is more sturdy than
your body." Melon Flower fluttered as she stood
right beside Anthony.

Prince Anthony looked at the fairy fly beside him. "Well,
can you scout ahead for us, find the trail we need to go
to Nordma?" He later pointed outwards. "Or at least find
some ambush parties that might jump us at the last minute?"

"I would," Melon Flower fluttered again. "But this heavy
blizzard is too much for me to see anything! I don't
even know which way to go!"

Melon Flower's right about one thing, it is too dark to
see where the heroes are going. Nordma might not even
exist for all they know. She then flew over and quickly
hid in Cyril's backpack to avoid getting cold.

"I don't think we can make it." Levine spoke as she
suddenly collapsed within the snow.

"Yes we will, we can still," Before she can finish,
Uahna then did the same thing.

"Too cold..." Mikhaela then did the same thing as she
collasped within the cold snow. "We're just nearly
out of supplies." Mikhaela then fell on top of Cyril,
with her massive breasts mashing against his back.

Cyril was the last one to fall. He struggled the most
just to stay on the right side of things. Unfortunately,
neither Mikhaela nor he came up with a spell that would
warm the bodies up in case of cold weather. In this case
however, Mikhaela's breasts were indeed warm, just not
that warm.

There were some jealousy involved in the group, but they
were too collapsed to even care.

The cold winter has claimed more victims, if it weren't
for a group of scouters that found them. Armored females
to be exact; What they are, will be revealed shortly.


Moments later, Cyril awoke to find several bouncing globes
hovering over him. He wondered, "Is this paradise?" He looked
at the bouncing globes.

Then the focus shifted to a woman's face, one of the scouting
members responsible for dragging Cyril and his entire party
to, "Close, welcome to Nordma!" The female smiled, revealing
that she was indeed, a Valkyrian Elf.

Mikhaela then woke up as well. "Did I hear correctly, we
are in Nordma?"

"Yes you are!" The second Valkyrian Elf smiled. "Wow, you seemed
to be the heaviest one we brought here! What brings you
here to our village?"

Uahna and Levine both woke at the same time.

"Where are we?" Levine spoke.

"Unless I misheard, we made it to Nordma!" Uahna nodded
her head.

Prince Anthony awoke to see the various Valkyrian Elves
in their habitat. Some sexy creatures like female elves
would spring him upwards, like his member lying in waiting
for a good screw. "So this is Nordma, a warm spot in a
very cold climate, very amiable."

"Then you will love this." A youthful, elvish woman with
dark peach skin, as well as some long, bluish-white hair
made into a braid that reaches down to her waist. She is
tall, but not quite as tall as other elves; Her most
noticable feature are her cantaloupe sized breasts, and
having a large, round bottom. She dressed in casual
robes that people wore during times of peace and
training. "We are the Valkyrian Elves
of Nordma, and we welcome you to our village."

Melon Flower flew out of Cyril's backpack as she fluttered
across the way. "Cool! Where's some food around here, I'm..."
She later looked at her friends. "I mean, we need to get
some supplies for the journey ahead of us, we seem to be
running low."

The elvish woman smiled. "This is the healing hut, where
we tend to the wounded and the sick." She lets out her
hand. "I am Lady Uldandi Valken, chieftain of Nordma,
and this is Kirven, captain of the guard."

Kirven was not quite as busty nor as rounded as her chieftain,
but she was moderately endowed. She even had some green hair,
but otherwise wore almost the same thing as her chieftain.
She was armored, but moreso than the surrounding guards.
"Hmph!" She declared. "Why are we tending to these outlanders?"

"You know that the ritual is days away, we don't want to
ruin it by giving these travelers a sour welcome!"
Uldandi spoke as she watched Kirven.

"Fine by me." Kirven left the area. "If you need me, I'll
be training the troops."

Uldandi smiled. "She does that from time to time, don't
worry about her." She then declared the following. "Why
don't we take you on a tour of the place? We'll find
somewhere to stock up on supplies later!"

Cyril and the gang nodded.

Elsewhere, the various girls there giggled at the thought
of two handsome young men. Sounds like this ritual will
have to make due with some practice first.


"Damn that Uldandi!" Kirven swore under her breath. "It's
bad enough to invite outlanders, but two human men to
prep ourselves for the ritual? Is she getting desperate
in her old age?" She later pondered something. "Maybe
if I can bring back the old ways and defeat her, maybe
she will recognize me as the believer of the true
path!" Suddenly, she ran into two massive breasts as
they bounced within an armored bikini. They flopped
forth as they bounced and wobbled as flab within
those boobs jumped and jiggled. "Who dares?!"

The owner of said breasts was an extremely tall elf, probably
taller than the rest of the Valkyrian Elves of Nordma put together.
She was peach-skinned, seeing her heritage as being part
Light Elf. She was dressed in nightmarish armor that was in
the form of a demon, a faceless armor plate except for
the eyes, which she can see through. Said armor was as
black as night, with some blood red gems illuminating
the armor, even sporting some runes on it. Her most obvious
feature, in which Kirven can point out, are her breasts;
Huge, plump and magnificent, pushed into an armored
bikini causing all sorts of flab to creep out. Her
breasts are much larger than Uldandi's, and she even
had a plump belly, which bounced as she walked. She
sported some wide, birthing hips as she swayed them,
causing her massive butt to bounce and wobble as it
was exposed within the armor. Said butt was even
plumper and larger than Uldandi, even winning the largest
elf butt award. Of course, she had some blood red hair
that extended down to her massive, bouncing butt.
"I dare, worm." She crossed her arms, squashing her
massive breasts as they bounced. "Don't tell me you
forgotten about who you really serve."

Then Kirven realized something. "Mistress Sorryn!" She
knelt before the armored warrior. "Please, forgive me."

Sorryn glared at Kirven. "Did I hear something about
outlanders, two men who are willing to fight as well as
fuck the various ladies here?" She uncrossed her arms
as her huge breasts flopped and bounced within her armor.
Her paunch did the same thing as she walked towards her,
as well as her massive butt bouncing and wobbling. Her
hips bobbed and swayed, causing said butt to bounce.

"I'm not sure about the fighting part, but they did
have eyes on.... GHUHK!" Kirven was clasped by the throat
as Sorryn lifted her.

"Mark my words, insect!" Sorryn glared at Kirven. "If these
outlanders are as handsome as they say, they'd better
be as glorious in battle, as well as in bed." She
squeezed further. "Spare them, so that I may rend their
judgement! Do I make myself clear?" She let go of
the throat.

Kirven was gasping for air! Who knew that a woman would
be this vicious? However, at least she was a bit nicer
than the people who did them wrong. "Yes, mistress Sorryn!"

"Excellent." Sorryn turned around and displayed her proud
behind as it bobbed and bounced. "Don't disappoint me, or
I shall slaughter you in my mistresses' Blood Arena!" It
was then she walked away, causing her ginormous butt to
bob and bounce, with buttcheeks slapping each other,
making all sorts of funny noises.

Kirven knew what she had to do. She had to gather the troops.


As the heroes left the healing tent, Uldandi walked towards
the nearest location right next to the healing hut.

"This is where our residents live, where people warm up
to survive the cold weather." Various houses adorned the
mountainscape as people walked in and out of the houses.

"Nice!" Cyril agreed with her.

Uldandi later pointed to a location further up the mountain.
"Over here is a shrine to Belurdka, our patron and guardian."
There was a huge statue of said goddess while adding to an
already incredible view. She later walked toward a training
ring in which two Valkyrian Elves were fighting. "Over
here is where we train to prepare for any sort of battle,
from within and without the Nordma settlement."

"Impressive." Levine nodded her head. She'd like to train
some more, but who knows if they had time for that.

"Over here is our meeting hall, but we will get to that later."

"Why later?" Prince Anthony asked.

"You'll find out soon enough." Uldandi answered the prince.

"Ah." Prince Anthony nodded his head.

"Over here is our Kirin Dragon Stables, where we ride
Kirin Dragons to hunt or trade." She later pointed to
another set of stables. "Over here is where we keep
sheep and rams for clothes and meat when the weather
becomes far too harsh to hunt."

"Which is very often!" Melon Flower added in.

"Melon Flower!" Mikhaela screamed out.

"Say, what do you eat around here?" Uahna tried to
change the subject.

"Well," Uldandi answered in kind. "Sheep, bears, snow leopards,
arctic lungs, the good parts." She smiled as she later called
out, "We also eat fruits and vegetables from a cave nearby

"How do you eat vegetables from a cave?" Uahna interrupted.

"Let me finish." Uldandi nodded as the heroes walked inside
said cave. "We use a magical grove that keeps our plants
fresh thanks to geothermic heating, which also powers our
hot springs, and Solar Lacrima that resides in the cave."
She pointed to said crystal illuminating said garden filled
with vegetables, fruits and tenants. It glowed ever so
glamorously. "Now, we must go to the meeting room, there's
much to discuss."

The entire party nodded.


At the meeting room, there was a table, the fanciest
chair reserved for Uldandi and the second fanciest, Kirven.
The other chairs are reserved for soldiers and guests alike.
The area was adorned with symbols of past battles and
victories against oppressors.

On display along the walls were robes made of animal pelts and suits
of armor. One such suit of armor appeared to fit the dimensions of
Uldandi's body and made of some silvery metal. Our well versed and
more knowledgable members of the party figured this suit was made
of mythril and showed some battle damage on it.

"Before I allow you to roam free and relax," Uldandi spoke
as she sat in her chair. "I would like to explain the history
of our people and how we came to be."

"BOOORING!" Melon Flower yawned as she sat on Cyril's
shoulder. She later snored.

"Melon Flower, will you relax?" Cyril informed her. "I
want to hear this!"

"Not to mention hearing how you sexy elves came to be!"
Prince Anthony added in.

Levine growled at this. Uahna calmed her down.

Uldandi was rather annoyed by this. "As I was saying,
our history goes back as far as ancient times." She
created a viewing sphere chronicling the times of the
Valkyrian Elves and their origins. "As you know, our
kind were not a seperate Elven race, but elite groups
of female warriors who pay homage to Belkurda, the goddess
of Strength and Battle."


Within the viewing sphere, there was Belurdka, portrayed
as a
tall, fit female elf with blue-tinted blonde hair
done in a
long braid and dressed in a suit of armor.

"Their devotion is so grand, that these ladies were viewed
as the first Elven Paladins within Elvish Society."

Various armored female elves knelt before Belurdka as
they received her blessing with holy light.

"We are known far and wide for our fighting skill, we
are easily compared to Belurdka's own brand of fighting
warriors, the Valkyries, and fought as strong as any man
or beast."

There was an image of those same paladins that are
accompanied by the Valkyries, angelic women who
fought many battles with them while retaining their
everlasting beauty.

"Even with our prowess, we are far from invincible, as
not all of our warriors were successful in battle."

There was an image of defeated Valkyrian Elves, beaten
and heavily bloodied. Some were reaching out towards
their goddess, wondering why she has abandoned them.

"Some warbands were kept as slaves to serve their captors,
no matter what the orders were nor what gender; They
were cruel all the same."

There was an image of those elves forced to work in slave
mines with various unidentified evil creatures leering
and laughing at them. Later, there was an image of them
escaping their cruel captors.

"Those who were lucky managed to escape while others who
attempted and failed, suffered severe punishment, torture,
or were simply slaughtered on the spot."

There were images of Valkyrian Elves, who failed to escape,
were shown in various, unspeakable tortures. Suffice to
say it was enough to show more images of what happened
long after that, to cover up the brutality.

"After these happenings occured, the Valkyrian Elves sought
their goddess's guidance, who herself witnessed the
suffering of her children."

An image of Belurdka was shown, weeping all the while
showing a trail of tears that lit up to show the path
the Valkyrian Elves must follow to reach their new
home. Only the Valkyrian Elves can see the illuminated
tears, other races cannot.

"She told the Valkyrian Elves to go to the mountains of
the north, and leave behind the world of men with the
coldness of the peaks being her shielding them from
suffering at the hands of male aggressors."

There was an image shown of the Valkyrian Elves led
into the mountain ranges, where they made their home.


"All and all this is good," Prince Anthony interrupted.
"Why aren't there any male Valkyrian Elves in the area?
Have they been wiped out?"

Uldandi continued the story as the viewing sphere showed
more images.


"While all Valkyrians followed Belurdka's main commandment,
some tribes took different approaches to their societies."

There was an image of a tree, and on those branches,
different Valkyrian Elf views on the world, with
Belurdka's puritans on the top.

"Many early tribes were very hostile towards men in various
ways, like attacking nearby towns, enslaving, castrating,
or executing men who wandered near the settlements."

The images shown doing said tribes doing just that.

"The laws were just as harsh towards their own at times;
If a tribeswoman was accused of fraternizing with a male
where she gave birth to a child at a certain time, birthing
a male child, or went to a local town, she would be exiled
from the settlement, sometimes even executed for her treason."

More images were shown of the above atrocities shown.

"Eventually the incidents from these rowdier tribes drew
the attention of the male world and some kingdoms were
planning to destroy the Valkyrian settlements."

Then there are images where men, joined in by groups of
jealous women and bloodthirsty mercenaries, entered
the fray where villages were burned and Elves slaughtered,
corpses littered the streets.

"While some tribes were destroyed in short-lived wars, the
majority of Valkyrian Elves approached the outside world
to negotiate peace treaties."

There was later an image depicting the leaders of the tribes
alongside the leaders of other elf leaders, mainly Wood
and Light Elves, to sign the parchment of peace.

"These treaties helped to stop the Valkyrian assaults and
established the mating ritual between Valkyrian Tribes
and other nearby elven towns and kingdoms."

Later, there was an image about various male wood and or
light elves getting it on with Valkyrian Elves to
create more offspring to keep the bloodline going.


"And now you know the story." Uldandi looked at Prince
Anthony and Melon Flower. "Care to ask any questions?"

"Yeah, about the whole abusive men part," Prince Anthony
spoke in a rant clouding his own judgement. "Aren't the
Valkyrian Elves going to save other people from abusive
women as well, I mean nobody came to my rescue when
my manhood gets fried with several watts of electricity
and made the receiving end of abuse."

"That's because you deserved it, Prince Anthony!"
Mikhaela snapped at the Prince.

"I don't mean to be rude or sexist," Cyril added in,
"But aren't there Valkyrian Elves who attack women as
equally as men?"

"Just one, and her infamous legends spread through the
arenas of bloodshed like a twisted ghost story." There
was a close up of Uldandi's face. "Her name is Sorryn
Vileblood, a blight upon Valkyrian legends."

"I've heard of this woman too." Melon Flower added in. "Some
of Ravutha's Goblins were watching the arena fights on
viewing globes, Sorryn is one of the more popular fighters
on the circuit because of both her skill as a fighter and a
sex object!" She continued flying. "The question is,
is she as deadly as rumors say?"

"We shall soon find out." Uahna nodded her head. "Why don't
we rest up in the hot springs for a bit? Our bones have
gotten weary from both listening to this history lesson,
as well as walking around the town." She proudly declared.

The party nodded. A relaxing bath ought to cleanse them
all, especially the women and men folk.


At the hot springs, Cyril and Prince Anthony are together
in the same room, with towels covering their privates.
Clearly neither man wanted to see the other man's shlong,
for they are considered straight men. Straight men who
would rather peek in the women's side of the spring
rather than each other. They would have a shaft
comparison contest, but neither of them would even
try to do so, seeing they are the only men there.

In speaking of peeking....

"This is depressing!" Prince Anthony whined. "Why have a
men's section of the spring when there are no male
Valkyrian Elves here?!"

"Maybe because it's something the Valkyrian Elves devised
if they have any male travelers here." Cyril nodded.

"Not to mention missing out on women comparing breast
sizes!" Prince Anthony's member was teased about the
whole thing. "Don't say we ought to compare each other's
manhoods, cause it will be a draw either way!" He looked
at Cyril's own shaft going up. He growled at the thought.

"Mikhaela would destroy them easily, not to mention Melon
Flower pulling a cheap shot." Cyril nodded in disappointment.
"Why don't we wait until we get more males in the party,
then we can...." He later saw Prince Anthony sneak off.
"Hey, where do you think you're going?!"

Prince Anthony smiled. "Isn't it obvious?" He gestured in a
way to invite Cyril's curiosity. "We are going to take
a sneak peek into the women's side of the spring!" He
proudly declared as he saw a peep hole that was part of
the reason why the men's spring was poorly maintained.
"I've always wanted to see more of Levine's plump breasts!"

"What's the point?" Cyril thought against it. "We've seen
them naked already during sex and battle, there's no
point in doing so unless we want both our crotches
roasted and flame broiled."

"I DON'T CARE!" Prince Anthony shot up as he walked
towards the door leading into the men's spring. Suddenly,
he is stopped by four nubile, eager and young elves.

All four of them are identical, each having some
light bluish blonde hair, and really buxom. They even
had the same eyes, as well as the same everything.
They were even quadruplets for all they knew.

"Hello cutie." One of them spoke.

"Care to have fun with us?" Another did the same thing.
"We want to practice for the mating ritual!"

Prince Anthony's jaw dropped at the sight of four, lovely
elves. Could it be preparation for the ritual? "Ladies,
you got yourself a practice dummy!" He proudly declared.

Cyril got out and confronted Prince Anthony. "Your
highness, I said it's not...."

The third girl giggled. "Your friend's cute, and so
are you!" She bent on over, enough to stop Cyril
in his tracks.

"Care to have fun with us while we make ourselves
ready for the ritual?" The fourth and last girl
giggled and smiled.

Cyril blushed. "Well, I dunno...."

"Come on Cyril!" Prince Anthony smiled while he hung
on two of the four girls. "Where's your sense
of variety and adventure?!"

Cyril gulped. "What's the ritual?"

The two remaining girls spoke at the same time. "To have
our love spread to the nearby Wood Elf and Light Elf
tribes nearby when the real ritual happens!"

"We can't start unless we get prepared for it!"
The third elf smiled.

"Of course if you say no, the line might die out, and
we don't want that!" The fourth elf smiled again.

"Actually you got a point there." Cyril nodded his
head. "Let's get this over with before Mikhaela finds
out about this."

"YAY!" With that, the two remaining elves grabbed
Cyril and pulled him towards their ritual spot.


Meanwhile, in the women's hot spring, Mikhaela was relaxing
as her massive breasts bounced in the hotspring. However,
her relaxing was ruined by the screams of Levine and
Uahna having their own fun.

"I SAID NO!" Levine screamed as she covered her breasts.

"Oh come on!" Uahna smiled as she tugged the towel. "There's
no shame in displaying your breasts in the company of
other women!" She then yanked the towel off as she saw
Levine's giant boobs bouncing and wobbling.

Breasts larger than Uahna's, but much smaller than
Mikhaela's. Levine was shocked at this as she
quickly covered them up. "Will you stop, these
only get in the way!"

"You are stubborn, you know that?" Uahna deadpanned.

"In speaking of stubborn," Melon Flower added in. "I
heard something that's completely not female!"

"You're right Melon Flower, I did hear something!"
Mikhaela in the meanwhile can hear different moans not
too far from the spring. Moans of two hormonial men and
four lovely women getting on for a ritual she doesn't
know about yet. "Oh, Cyril and Anthony, you didn't."
She facepalmed as she prepared herself to leave the spring.


"Oh cutie, drill me repeatedly with your shiny hard cock!"
The first elf girl got railed by Prince Anthony as he
proceed to do just that.

Anthony proudly looked at those melons as they bounced
while he continued pounding his shaft into her. while this
was happening, he took the second elf's fine melons and
squeezed them, and nursed them all the while, just for
the sake of accelerating the erection of the shaft.

"Suck me harder!" The second elf screamed while
Prince Anthony did just that.

Cyril did roughly the same thing, although not as
aggressively as Prince Anthony. He had his member
rammed in between the third elf's cleavage. His head
was smothered by the fourth elves's breasts.

"Tit-fuck me harder!" The third elf declared.

Cyril obeyed, he really wanted to prep himself for....

"My turn!" The fourth elf shoved the third elf aside
and Cyril plunged his shaft into her love hole. "Oh yes,
I'll ride you like a Kirin Dragon!" She bounced
up and down while Cyril was giving her pleasure.

Not one to back down, the third elf was plowing her
breasts on top of Cyril's head.

Somehow, Cyril wasn't too confident about the whole
thing, this may require a third, or even a fourth
man to please all of them. At least he was helping
out the ladies.


"Look at those idiots," Kirven looked within a
telescope as Cyril and Prince Anthony were having
fun with the quadruplets. "Fucking around while they
should be preparing themselves for battle!" She
later called out to the troops. "The time to strike
is upon us, Uldandi has gotten weak in her old age!"
She later declared, "Our time to strike is now!
They will be powerless in our advance!"

Those who were loyal to Kirven and Sorryn cheered as
they prepped themselves to overtake the chieftain.

"Glory! For Mistress Sorryn!" Kirven screamed as
she raised her spear to the sky.

"For Mistress Sorryn!" The other traitors cheered
as they later charged forth towards the chieftain's
hut. Kirven followed suit.

In the meanwhile, Sorryn stood by and watched the
whole thing. "Now my insect," She commanded, "Spread
Mordas' passion and vigor as I've shown you." She
took a tankard and activated a spell that removed
part of her mask, revealing some feral lips. She
guzzled down said drink as her massive breasts
bounced and wobbled. She finished said drink as she
waved around the tankard, releasing a gasp of
arousal. "Don't disappoint me!"


"Oh yes, we're cumming!" The first and second elves
screamed while they were enjoying Anthony's rush.

"We're cumming also!" The third and fourth elves
were about to climax.

Anthony and Cyril pulled out just when they were about
finished, they don't want to exactly impregnate the
four elves.

Everyone climaxed within the vicinity. Both Cyril and
Anthony were worn out from the rush.

"Thanks again for helping out!" The first elf cheered.
"My name is Twalfa, and this is Dalfa, Walfa and Galfa."

The only way to tell these elves apart is the numbers
on their foreheads; 1 for Twalfa, 2 for Dalfa, 3 for Walfa and
4 for Galfa. The other elves bowed in greeting.
"Please to meet the two of you!"

Cyril let out his hand. "I am Cyril Oakmead, and this
is Prince Anthony!"

"It's a pleasure to meet the both of you!" Just when
Prince Anthony was about to shake their hands, their greeting
was cut short by a very ticked off Mikhaela.

"CYRIL OAKMEAD! PRINCE ANTHONY!" Mikhaela was furious
as she watched Cyril and Anthony finish their practice
ritual as she was dressed in her normal clothes. "HOW

Cyril explained the situation. "It was a practice
session for the ritual not to far from now, I didn't
mean to....."

"Besides, those ladies were pretty nice." Anthony added
in. "So what if we didn't know them, we wanted to help
in anyway we can!"

Mikhaela walked up, with her breasts bouncing
along the way. She created a bolt surging through
her hands. "Give me a reason why I shouldn't dump
you or blow your cocks to kingdom come!"

That reason arrived in the form of the four same
quadruplets walking around and surrounding Mikhaela.
They giggled as they suddenly grabbed Mikhaela's boobs,
one for two of the girls. The third went to squeeze
Mikhaela's butt, and the fourth one went to
lick and nurse Mikhaela's neck.

"Does this answer your question?" Prince Anthony
spoke as he watched the four quaduplets have their
way with Mikhaela.

"Do you mind?!" Mikhaela screamed out. "I don't mind
a massage, but this whole practice thing has gotten
way out of hand!"

"You're just saying that to be cute." Galfa smiled as
she planted a kiss on Mikhaela's cheek.

"You could be a wonderful mother someday!" Dalfa giggled
as she rubbed her head in one of Mikhaela's huge breasts
as it bounced. Walfa was doing the other one while she
licked said boob as she was nursing it.

"So good," Walfa cooed. "How did it get so big?"

Mikhaela blushed. "Will you cut that out?!" She started to
laugh as well. "That tickles!"

As Twalfa was admiring Mikhaela's butt, she suddenly heard
noises as several women warriors were fighting each other.
She was better off admiring booty rather than kicking it,
but that didn't stop her from rewarding a favor. "Don't
look now, but we'll have to cut off our practice sessions
a little shorter than expected."

All four elves stopped their admiring to see what was the
matter. They charged towards the tent to admire what
was going on.

Cyril, Anthony and Mikhaela later joined in. Uahna and
Levine joined in later, as well as Melon Flower, who
flew past them. Uldandi was in grave danger!


At the chieftain's hut, Uldandi and her loyal guards
were chained by a rebellious force led by, "Kirven,
my own flesh and blood, why are you doing this?" She
was now dressed her battle armor while the heroes were
having their orgy.

Kirven smiled as she watched her sister chained
to the ground. "You of all people should know better
than to oppose the old ways." She walked around
while pointing her spear at Uldandi. "Holding onto
the current ways is stubborn; We should be pillaging,
raping and enslaving the men folk to do our bidding,
instead of this pointless rituals of battle and sex!"

"The old ways are madness!" Uldandi spat out. "Besides,
trying to weed out weakness is murderous and foolish,
while we are strong gradually!"

"LIES!" Kirven barked. "Once I take your spot, only
the strong Valkyrian Elves survive and the weak perish,
and Mistress Sorryn will lead us to an age of
bloodshed and glory!"

Uldandi widened her eyes in sheer horror. "You speak
of that monster! Once she's done with this village,
she will kill you too!"

"Better to die strong than live weak." Kirven smiled.
"Mistress Sorryn has told me that." She walked around
as she twirled her spear. "She also said that I'd
rather live strong than die weak, which is why I
intend to put an end to Belurdka's reign for good!"
She then charged with her spear. "NOW DIE!"
Before she can connect, she was cut off with a
bolt of lightning. "WHO DARES!"

"We dare, Kirven!" It was Mikhaela, joined by Cyril,
Anthony, Levine, Uahna, and Melon Flower.

Kirven laughed at this. "FOOL! Don't you think you
are outnumbered?" She commanded her troops. "Dispose
of these pests while my sister and I have much to

Suddenly, wave after wave of soldiers flood the area,
with loyalist the same effect. Swords clash and blood
was spilt, with neither side winning.

Anthony and Levine did most of the fighting, while
Mikhaela and Uahna did most of the spellcasting.
Cyril did a mixture of the two, since he's both
an adept fighter and a mage. However, the tide
began to sink as they were overpowered by brute
force and bloodlust.

"There's too many of them!" Levine spoke out as
she sliced apart an approaching traitor.

"How can we fight and fuck them all the same?"
Prince Anthony spoke as he ran away, seeing he
refused to harm a woman, especially if they are
busty and nubile. "I'm a playboy, not a murderer!"

"Prince Anthony, stop running from them and start
fighting!" Mikhaela blasted some more soldiers
with some lightning bolts, and eventually erected
a flame wall in hopes of containing them while
the party healed, Courtesty of Uahna.

"Hold still, I can
only heal one person at a time!"
spoke the lovely elven cleric.

Cyril spoke as he was surrounded. "We obviously
can't win, there's too many of them, and Prince Anthony
can't fight any of them!" Only a miracle would save them.

A miracle did arrive. It was the four busty elves from
earlier, only fully clothed and ready for a fight! They
charged through the lines as they called out to Prince
Anthony and Cyril,

"Thanks again for the practice session!" Twalfa
called out.

"We'll take it from here!" Dalfa sliced a
traitor in two.

"Tend to the wounded!" Walfa commanded.

"This is our token of appreciation to you!"
Galfa concluded that statement.

Cyril smiled at their arrival but noticed someone was missing.

"Wait, where's Melon Flower?"


"Why not kill me now?" Uldandi snarled at her disgraceful
sister. "It's what your mistress wants, isn't it?"

Kirven laughed. "Another thing Mistress Sorryn has
taught me," She wriggled her finger. "I wanted your
force and friends to fail so you can beg for a
quick death! Oh won't she be so happy to see the
end result of our hard work!"

"Even if you could win," Uldandi warned her. "There
will be others like me, and you and your mistress
will lose all the same!"

While they were talking, Melon Flower flew in undetected
and casted a spell that created flames on her hands. She
unleashed it upon the chains binding Uldandi and
said spell like a wielding torch.

"Tough talk coming from someone so weak and insignificant."
Kirven smiled as she continued to lecture her sister.
However, she failed to notice Melon Flower cutting the
chains. "Here stands the mighty Uldandi, beaten by a woman
less talented than you, yet you did not put up that
much of a fight!"

Melon Flower continued her work. She needed more time
to even cut the chains with her fire spell.

"I lived in your shadow, fearing the day that I might
die without having my dreams come true, and without an
age where only the strong survive and the weak perish!"
Kirven looked at her sister. "All the men folk will
fear and respect the name of Sorryn Vileblood!" She
then turned around again. "Be thankful that you get to
live your last moments in this town before your
death or exile. Your choice."

Suddenly, the chains broke apart due to the wielding torch
spell of Melon Flower. "There, that ought to do it!"
She smiled at her fine work being done.

Suddenly, Uldandi noticed the chains around her were
broken by Melon Flower. She did a vicious smile as she
glared down her traitorous sister.

"How about a third option?" Uldandi did a smile.

Kirven was shocked at this.

"You and your mistress will lose," Uldandi stood up
as the chains got off of her. "Starting today!" She
glared down her daughter. "I maybe eighty years old,
but I can still fight like a thirty five warrior!"
She took her own spear and fought Kirven.
"Prepare yourself!"


As the heroes were facing down traitorous hordes of Valkyrian
Elves, the tide as turned when Uldandi has entered the
fray. Who knew the leader would fight on this strong?

Kirven had the first move. She charged Uldandi with her
spear while she later took out a short sword and
tried to stab Uldandi, weakening her resolve.

Uldandi was no dummy, she leaped out of the way and
proceeded to kick Kirven in the head. She then landed
and threw one of her legs, and tripped Kirven.

Kriven then threw a dagger at Uldandi,

While Uldandi dodged the dagger and slashed across
Kirven's chest. She then called out, "Belurdka give
me strength!" She then pinned down her sister in
a restrictive hold which was best used as a last
resort. No one, not even her own flesh and blood was
able to escape such a hold. She grappled Kirven
as she did an attack which numbed all muscles
in the opponents body.

With that, Kirven fell down, defeated. "How? Mordas
promised me strength."

Uldandi placed her spear on her back. "Maybe Mordas
didn't bless you like he did Sorryn." She later called
out, "Why did you start this coup?"

Kirven spat out, "You dare speak to a pureblood Valkyrian
Elf in that manner? Our ancestors were persecuted by
the men of this world, did enough cruel things to
spark an everlasting grudge against all men, including
the male elves of society! By joining Mistress Sorryn,
we wanted to see all men suffer the same way we did,
but you had to abandon the old ways for this foolishness!"

Uldandi later knelt down. "Embracing the old ways
won't settle our score with the men folk; Times
had changed after the Great Purge, men have gotten
nicer and learned to forgive and forget." She later
pointed to a powerful structure that's farther
down the mountains. "There lives a creature who
lives with a personal friend of mine, the kindly
Melina." She later turned towards Kirven. "Would
you like to meet him?"

Kirven later fainted. Something in that castle is
enough to make her skin crawl.

The traitors were forced to surrender as the loyalists
surrounded them.

"What's up with their leader?" Uahna looked at Kirven.

"She's afraid of whatever's in that castle." Prince
Anthony looked at the far castle. "Whatever it was,
we'd have to figure out this mystery sooner or later."

"There's something we gotta do first!"
Levine later walked up towards Kirven as she spoke
to Kirven. "Where's Sorryn?"

Kirven trembled, "Behind the brown haired boy...."

"Behind me?" Cyril backed up, only to back right
into some massive breasts. They bounced and wobbled
as all that fat in her breasts flopped within that
armored bikini. Cyril nervously took one of his hands
and squeezed one of those plump flesh globes as he
massaged it, hands digging into that titflesh as it
was like a soft pillow in his hands. His back was
to the owner's stomach as belly flesh mashed in
with Cyril's back. Somehow, Cyril's member has
erected itself.

The owner of said breasts let out an erotic moan.
"You must be a brave boy to treat my breasts that way."

Cyril was forced to let go of said boob as it bounced
and wobbled, the belly the same effect. He turned
around to see who it was. "You must be Sorryn."

Sorryn stood over Cyril as her imposing height dwarfed
him as she walked towards him. Her plump breasts bounced
and wobbled as she swung her wide hips, causing her huge
butt to bounce and wobble. Her belly did the same thing.
"I'm glad someone has known me outside of the Bloody Ogre Arena!"

Uahna blinked. "What's the Bloody Ogre Arena?"

Levine spoke. "Somewhere we don't exactly want to be."

Cyril faced Sorryn. "That doesn't give you authority over
this settlement, especially not the sister of the chieftain!"
He glared her down while his member straightened itself up.
Well, mostly towards her breasts, it's unclear if she's his
type of elf with that paunch.

"You don't know me that well, do you?" Sorryn continued to
advance towards Cyril. Her massive breasts and belly bounced
and wobbled while the flab in said breasts jumped within
that armor. Her hips swayed while her huge butt bounced
and jiggled. "I've slaughtered many opponents
in my day, clobbered people who made fun of my talents...."

"And you got the biggest elf butt I've ever seen!" Prince
Anthony stared at Sorryn's plump tushy as it bobbed and
bounced while her birthing hips swayed. "Wow, how do you
get so physically endowed? You are nothing like any other
elf I've ever met!"

Everyone glared at Prince Anthony.

"Well she does!" Prince Anthony protested.

Sorryn later turned around to face Prince Anthony as her
massive breasts wobbled forth. All that flab in her breasts
flopped forth as she faced down the prince. She took her
hands and did a pose which to straighten and harden
Anthony's shaft. Her breasts and belly bounced and
wobbled as she danced. "I'm glad you acknowledge me as
the sexiest elf you ever did see, and the greatest warrior
in all the world!"

"More like really flabby!" Levine spoke as she made fun of
Sorryn's physical body. "Seriously, those breasts could
sag at any moment!"

"WHAT WAS THAT?!" Sorryn barked as she turned around, her
breasts flopped and wobbled within that armor.

"It's hard to take you seriously if you are waving all
that flab around." Uahna added in.

"Don't underestimate her," Uldandi looked at the party.
"This is Sorryn Vileblood, the most bloodthirsty and evil
Valkyrian Elf that caused the goddess to question her
methods, causing the high council to banish her."

"So in other words, she's the bad apple of your crop,"
Mikhaela stated the obvious.

Uldandi nodded her head. "She is the known priestess of
Mordas, Demon God of War and enemy of Belurdka. That
would explain her cruel fighting methods."

Sorryn laughed as her giant bosom bounced and wobbled,
as well as her belly bouncing. "You are quite informed
of my sexual prowess, which is why I intend on giving
these men a much better taste than your weakling
goddess can provide, a good fight and a good fuck!"
She looked down both Cyril and Anthony's members as
they were pumped and ready to rock Sorryn's world.
"You women folk are welcome to join the fight,

Levine gritted her teeth and grasped her spear, prepared

to take Sorryn down a peg.

"Don't do it Levine!" Uahna commanded. "Even with your
strength, you still can't compare to hers!"

"I'm not going to let some flabby mockery of our kind
make a fool of us!" Levine readied her spear.

"I don't know Bloody Ogre Arena rules that well, but it does
either restrict magic or forbid it all together!" Mikhaela spoke
as she watched the two men in the front risk their lives
for not only their friends, but everyone in the village.
Then she remind of something; Something traumatic from
her own childhood.

"Is there something wrong?" Melon Flower peered in.

Mikhaela snapped out of it. "Nothing's wrong."

Prince Anthony and Cyril were looking down Sorryn as
they drew their swords from their sheaths.

Sorryn laughed as her plump bosom and belly shook within
that armor. They made some very arousing sounds as they
bounced and wobbled. "Are you serious? You're going to
attack me with such puny swords?" She looked at both the
weapons of choice as well as their members.

"They're not puny!" Cyril charged in as Prince Anthony
followed suit.

Prince Anthony, far more hormonal than Cyril, turned around
and hoped he and Cyril surround the extremely tall elf.
"Ditto on that one!" Declared Prince Anthony.

Sorryn was no dummy. She did a cruel smile under her helmet
as she swung with one of her arms, causing her massive
breasts to swing alongside her as they wobbled forth.

Cyril managed to block with his sword as he saw the
arm swung at him. He tried to fight back, but he
was too distracted by Sorryn's huge, floppy boobs
as he continued to block with his sword. He was
tempted to use magic, but he wasn't used to using his

sword as a channeling tool, making it difficult to

conjure a shield spell.

Plus, add in the fact that he's not used to arena rules.

However, he did manage to erect a small almost buckler
shield spell,
seeing that he was saving the mages's staff
to reduce the damage Sorryn might cause to his staff and

as a last resort should Sorryn unleash a spell of her own

later on if given the chance.

This somewhat pleased Sorryn as she continued her
attack, allowing her breasts and belly to flop and
bounce as she punched and kicked. She even resorted
to fighting dirty with a headbutt or even an elbow
attack. She eventually broke through Cyril's defenses,

Cyril was forced to break away, seeing he was
no match for Sorryn's aggressive self.

Sorryn managed to clobber Cyril as she broke through his
defenses, and later on, she threw him to the
ground as her giant milk bags flopped and wobbled. She
glared down Cyril as she spoke the following, "You're
used to fighting vicious males, but you did not expect
a woman to have the same mentality, especially when it
comes to a physique such as my own!"

Prince Anthony later charged at Sorryn with his sword
drawn as he rushed behind her to aid Cyril. Predictably
enough, he also had his pants down; Such a woman of
Sorryn's stature should not go to waste. He reached
out and placed his hands on Sorryn's massive rump.
Those hands dug into that buttflesh as he squeezed
it and massaged it, causing it to bounce and wobble
in his hands. He was tempted to strike her with his
blade, but why harm a lady?

Annoyed by this, Sorryn managed to kick like a cow and
slammed Anthony in the stomach, causing him to kneel.

Sorryn walked up as she later stood over Prince Anthony
as she smiled. Her proud butt bounced and wobbled as
she stood. "How nice of you to kneel before your
queen; A princely boy should know better than to
pick a fight with someone as skilled as I!"

Prince Anthony later recovered rather quickly as his
hormones later gave him a confidence boost as he
squeezed Sorryn's massive, plump breasts.
His hands dug into that breastflesh as he later
squeezed some more. Said breasts wobbled while
this was happening.

Really ticked off, Sorryn clobbered the prince
as her assets jumped and bounced, causing her
belly to do the same thing.

Not before he managed to be knocked down similarly

to Cyril, only this was a bit more advanced. He
strip-fought ladies in his harem, but not
against someone as frightening as her. He
blocked nearly all of her attacks with his
sword, all in the while of staring at Sorryn's
body; Not just the breasts.

Those huge, glorious breasts. They bounced and wobbled
while Sorryn punched and swung, even kicking the prince.
Her belly did the same thing, as well as her massive
behind supported by her birthing hips wobbled.

Somehow, Anthony's hormones were too much for him
as he was suddenly clobbered by some of Sorryn's
kicks and punches. He collapsed shortly after.

"LET ME AT HER!" Levine was pulled in by Uahna as she
tried to have her shot at Sorryn. "I'LL GIVE HER A

"Are you not listening, Levine?" Uahna tried to restrain
Levine as she said the following. "You saw how she easily
trashed Cyril and Anthony, I don't want to see you
suffer the same way!"

"Yesssss," Sorryn smiled as she took Prince Anthony and
clasped him. She threw him down, beside the collapsed
Cyril. "Come at me anyway you can, your frail body
won't last against my own blessed physique!" Her
giant breasts wobbled forth as she threw down
Anthony. She later looked at the two men.
"Such weak, pathetic creatures in combat." She
advanced towards the two men. Her breasts and
belly wobbled forth as she did so, along with
her birthing hips and massive behind doing the
same thing. "Let's see if your cocks can last
longer than your sword skills." She then casted
an incantation that removed her armored bikini,
allowing her plump breasts to move freely.

Cyril and Prince Anthony's members suddenly stood
up as they were prepared to have a rewarding
taste of defeat.

Sorryn moved both men right next to each other, and
reached out towards the pants of said men. She pulled
off said pants, exposing their ever happy members.

Cyril and Anthony were shocked at this; Their cocks
might freeze in the cold weather!

Sorryn then bent on over, placing her hands on her
plump breasts as she spread them apart, one huge
tit for each cock. They wobbled in her hands as she
did so. She later aggressively plunged said tits in
the cocks as both members were smothered by all that
flab in Sorryn's breasts. Her nipples were kissing
said members as the breastflesh enveloped both cocks,
one for each boob. Sorryn pushed her breasts as she
aggressively overwhelmed the shafts with her plump
melons. Hands dug into that breastflesh as she
pumped her love into them.

While Sorryn was doing so, she moved her giant, well
rounded butt up and down as it bounced while moving
her hips. It made various funny noises while doing so.

"OH, OH, I'M CUMMING!" Cyril screamed as he was enjoying
the rush as one of Sorryn's breasts continued to smother
Cyril's cock. He can see said shaft enveloped by said
boob as that boob bounced and wobbled. His tip was
kissing and nursing Sorryn's massive melon.

"I'M CUMMING AS WELL!" Prince Anthony was enjoying the rush
even more than Cyril as his member was marshallowed by
Sorryn's other plump milk bag, like his shaft was
nursing and kissing Sorryn's massive boob. Said
shaft was dug into that mountain.

Eventually, both Cyril and Prince Anthony climaxed as
they screamed. Before they did so, Sorryn removed her
plump breasts as she watched the two members drip
their cum all over the ground.

Sorryn latched her breasts back in her armored bikini
as said boobs bounced and wobbled, flab in her breasts
puffed out like muffin tops. Her belly also bounced
and wobbled as she stood upright. "You climaxed already?"
She looked over the two worn out men. "I expected
something better from two hormonal men; Instead, all
I got was two weaklings who can't fight their hardest
to satisfy me and make me cum!"

Cyril breathed out, "You're not my type of woman...."
Ironically, he later thought, 'Man, if these types of
encounters keep happening, I may change my taste about
women with large bellies.' This was going on in the back
of his mind and would be something he would consider more

in the future.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY?!" Sorryn was angry now. Her breasts
wobbled forth within her bikini as she saw Cyril.

Prince Anthony breathed out as well. "So why not kill us?"
He added in. "If you are part of the tribes that tried
to kill and or enslave all the men of the world, at
least show some mercy!"

Sorryn looked at Prince Anthony. "I would, but I want
you two to live for now, knowing that you got your asses kicked
by a girl!" She walked away and as she did, her massive
breasts and belly bounced and wobbled forth,
as well as her birthing hips and well rounded behind,
as it jumped and jiggled all the same. "Consider this
victory mine, insects! If you want a rematch, I'll
see you two in the arena!" It was then that Sorryn
walked away while laughing, her huge butt bounced
and wobbled as she swung her hips.

"I'M GONNA KILL THAT SORRYN!" Levine was furious now.

"Calm down, she's won." Uahna pulled her back. "Let us
tend to the wounded, we got lots of work set out for us."

Levine later calmed down. "You're right mistress." She
later looked at Cyril and Anthony.


Back at the healing hut, Cyril and Anthony awoke to see
Uldandi standing over them. "How are our valiant male
warriors?" She looked over them.

Cyril awoke as he saw Uldandi. "Sorryn.... Where is she?"

"Gone, probably prepping herself for her next battle."
Uldandi nodded her head. "It's sheer luck that she
spared you today, you would've gotten killed out there!"

Cyril got up quickly. "Dang, I never realized she can
fight so well!" He clenched his fist. "Her power, and
her fighting prowess, I've never gone up against someone
like her before! I don't think I can survive in an
arena in my current state!"

"It didn't help that she was busty, bustier than all the
elves here!" Uldandi stated the obvious.

"Tell me about it." Prince Anthony got up. "Sorryn's
unlike any other woman elf I ever faced. The other traitors
I kind of understand, seeing they were under Sorryn's
control, but Sorryn herself?" Anthony breathed out. "She
could even give my harem nightmares!"

Uldandi smiled. "Fret not, the battle has been won and
we are still in one piece." she later opened the curtain,
"As for the traitors....." Then there was Kirven and
the other traitorous Valkyrie Elves, rebuilding what
they had destroyed, and serving labor, for exile would
allow them to join Sorryn further in her mad quest for
the greater glory of battle. "I'll have them rebuild the
town, especially repairing the men's section of the
hot spring!" She giggled.

"Still," Cyril looked at the party. "I wonder why we
would go after Sorryn in this state; We haven't really
rounded our physical fighters yet, nor trained enough
to withstand attacks as well as dish them out."

"Sorryn defeated us!" Prince Anthony added in. "We were
unable to satisfy her and make her cum! She made us
do the same and used our lust for her against us!
She's a monster, a horrible monster...." Prince Anthony
suddenly gotten chills. Not from the cold, but from
the trauma that Sorryn inflicted.

"One of these days," Levine breathed out in anger. "I'll
give this bimbo a piece of my mind!"

"I don't see what you have against Sorryn." Uahna smiled.
"She'll get hers in time, just not right now."

Levine later calmed down to speak the following, "Before
we leave, what was in that castle that freaked out Kirven?"

Uldandi lowered her head. "There lives an old friend of
mine that lives in the castle not too far from here,
although it may require Kirin Dragon travel to reach
there." She later pointed towards the castle. "However,
it also houses a monstrous giant that will grind
your bones to make his bread!"

"A giant?" Uahna nodded her head. "We've faced one before,
I assume this one would be no different."

"Here's the kicker," Uldandi revealed a shocking reveal.
"The giant in that castle also a Valkyrian Elf hybrid!
Melina gave birth to that monstrosity, I'm surprised
she survived after that!"

The entire party gasped at this. A giant with the speed
of a Valkyrian Elf? This is not good. Most giants are
rather slow and ungainly, while others tend to pick up
speed only in the most dire situations. Now, facing
a half giant, half Valkyrian Elf is a different story;
If facing a Valkyrian Elf alone was bad enough, but
it had
a male gender, and speed and reflexes of a giant!

Melon Flower flew out of the backpack to see what was
going on with the rest of the party. If they could
persuade said giant to join their cause, rather than
be afraid of him or even try to kill them, this
could give them an edge over Sorryn! This flew
through Melon Flower's mind as she flittered over
to Cyril. "Hey, maybe this giant fellow isn't so bad!"

"What makes you think we are going to kill this giant?"

Anyone who was not Cyril gasped at this thought.

"Not kill the giant, are you mad?" Prince Anthony
protested. "Think about it, with the strength of a
giant and the speed of a Valkyrian Elf, we might
as well kiss our quest goodbye!"

"If we persuade this giant, he might be the key to
Sorryn's defeat, not to mention any other situation
that requires a helping hand!" Cyril twirled around
his finger. "Besides, I have to find out the truth
behind this giant, and why Kirven was afraid of him."

"No sense arguing." Mikhaela looked at Cyril. "I'm
still peeved that you gotten it on with some plucky
young elves!"

"I was only trying to help!" Cyril protested. "They
returned the favor, didn't they?"

All four elves giggled at this.

"Point taken." Mikhaela resigned and forgave him.

"Then it's settled!" Cyril stood up. "Mount your Kirin
Dragons, we are going to confront that giant and his
mother! We'll need all the help we need if we are
going to defeat Sorryn and her allies!" He proudly
exclaimed as he pointed to the sky.

Of course, persuading said giant would be much
easier said than done.

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