Tuesday, December 24, 2013

More to the World: Story of Thronaklass and Traditions of Klanotine

Here's some info about the god Thronaklass and the holiday he is the icon of, Klanotine.

Thronaklass' Story

Thousands of years ago during the darker ages of Asnorit, A cold-hearted sorcerer king Klaosdor, ruled over the northern realms. He was a cruel king who taxed his subjects almost into poverty, enslaving those who could not pay or those who attempted to stand against him. To many, he was one of the most powerful sorcerers of the age but others spoke that he gained from an ancient crystal which was the focus of his scepter. He sought to take control over all the realms within reach and even beyond. One day he called forth an oracle to gaze into his future. The oracle claimed that the king’s rule would last but only so long until the arrival of a man, a child of a god born in the west realms in a small village who would do the impossible and bring the greatest gifts to the people. Out of fear, King Klaosdor sent his armies to attack the villages and slaughter the people of the western realms or send them into slavery. At the same time, a young woman had been blessed by the arrival of Stratokus, god of the sky, who impregnated her. Several months later, she gave birth to a healthy baby boy but this new mother would find her home under attack by Klaosdor’s armies. While the soldiers ransacked the village, she ran to the nearby forest and hid the child, hoping to save him from the soldiers. The mother sacrificed herself by leading the soldiers away from her child, killed to prevent what had already come to pass. 

The young boy left in the snow with no mother, cried out for comfort and warmth. Luckily, the infant’s cries brought not the attention of the soldiers hunting him but the curiosity of a hunting party of fair folk who resided in a nearby underground sanctuary. Figuring that child abandoned and sensing the potential in him, the Party brought the child to their sanctuary and more specifically their Fae Noble Queen Mabinora. Mabinora became the child’s surrogate mother and named him Thronaklass, an old fae term meaning winter’s gift. Thronaklass thus was raised by the fairies of the Sanctuary, taught their magic and more. He proved to have a natural affinity for magic possibly due to his mixed heritage. Apart from his innate mystical abilities, Thronaklass was also defined by his generous nature and enjoyment of crafting things. Often times he would combine his talents to create gifts to make his friends and his adoptive mother happy and smile. He was aware of how he was different from the others but cared not as long as they were happy.

As time passed, Thronaklass came of age and he decided to venture out and see the world. After bidding his friends and family farewell, he began to travel the surrounding lands and did many amazing things. He faced monsters who threatened people and often helped people with no request for reward though those thankful at least gave him some money and food out of kindness. After traveling for some time, Thronaklass was approached by Yukosel, goddess of winter. Thronaklass asked why she would appear before him to which the goddess explained his heritage as the son of Stratokus. The young adventurer was surprised by this, He asked the winter goddess why he’d never been confronted about this. Yukosel briefly explained that the creator gods are often bared from contact with mortals for many years unless summoned by a powerful sorcerer. However, she spoke to him of a destiny he had to fulfill by going to the domain of Klaosdor and helping the people of the land. Hearing of his origins and how Klaosdor had slaughtered villages to get to him, Thronaklass travelled to the dominion of the sorcerer king.

Thronaklass finally arrived the north city which Klaosdor ruled over and saw the oppression of the people. He sought to make their lives better by simply working with them and assisting them with their work but found that Klaosdor’s men would simply request more the taxes. Thronaklass instead went with a different approach attempting to bring joy and hope back into their lives. He did this a couple different ways, among them being using his magic to entertain the people, crafting toys f0r the children, giving food to the hungry, and even stealing from the tax collectors to return the money to the poor people. He helped people in other ways and asked for nothing in return. Of the people he helped who became close to him were Margeth, Klaosdor’s estranged son who Thronaklass gave him a bed and food, and Nicolette, a sex slave whom Thronaklass saved from her abusive master. He became a hero to the people for his deeds. However, Klaosdor was not pleased with this ‘hero’ and wanted him dealt with.

However, any attempt to capture him failed as Thronaklass used his fairy magic to cast illusions and escape authorities. Klaosdor even began to remove men for his legions, discharging them from service.  As Thronaklass continued to allude him, Klaosdor decided to go with a different angle; instead of attempting capture Thronaklass, he would punish the people for Thronaklass’s continued freedom. He began to become stricter with the people of the town, enforcing new laws and heavier taxes. He even began to create golems of ice and snow to supplement his decreased army. While some people began to Thronaklass as a problem, those who knew him stood by him and helped convince others to his side. Finally, as Klaosdor became more infuriated and insanely cruel, Thronaklass and his companions decided it was time to bring about their revolution.

Gathering together enough people, they marched on Klaosdor’s palace. Klaosdor of course conjured up a much larger army of ice golems to fight the rebel force. While the others fought a majority of the force outside, Thronaklass charged into the palace and made his way to Klaosdor’s Throne Room. The sorcerer king conjured another legion of snow and ice golems to fight the hero but with a little extra power so they would regeneration from any blows Thronaklass did to them. Thronaklass began to fight the legion but as the fight with legion went on far longer then he expect, he started to find himself slightly overwhelmed. Exhaustion beginning to take it’s toll on him, feeling tired they continued in a seemingly endless fight. Despite this however, he did not falter and would concede. Klaosdor looked on astonished as Thronaklass continued to fight with all his might even with the regenerating soldiers before him. The King asked who he was at one point and the hero answered.

“I am Thronaklass, apprentice of Mabinora, child of west, Son of Stratokus and I will give the people the greatest gifts of all!”

Saying this, he poured his energy into his swords and with one swipe, melted the snow soldiers to nothing. He then charged Klaosdor and with all of his might, struck the gem of the king’s scepter. A massive shockwave of magic rippled from the room and out through the castle and surround town. The frigid forces of the king collapsed into lifeless heaps of snow and ice before the rebellion. While many began to cheer in victory, Mageth, Nicolette, and a few others entered the castle and made their way to the throne room. There they found Klaosdor knocked back into his throne and Thronaklass, dead on the floor in front of him. While, Nicolette rushed to Thronaklass’ side and wept over his body, Klaosdor rose up from the throne and laughed. 

Believing the hero and leader of the rebellion defeated, Klaosdor thrust his scepter forth to conjure more snow warriors to slay the rebels....but couldn’t. No matter how hard he tried to cast a spell, nothing happened. With his final act as a mortal, Thronaklass destroyed the scepter and stripped him of his ability to cast magic. However, with his first act as a god, he spoke to his companions. Thronaklass’ body stood up from Nicolette’s embrace and glowed with a divine brilliance. He turned to his companions and spoke to them.

“My friends, this is where we part ways but do not grieve too deeply for I ascend to my new state and my father in Elasvaine. Remember me as I lived and always treasure the last gifts I gave you; the gifts of Hope and Freedom.”

With these words said, Thronaklass left the mortal plane and vanished. The next day, Mageth took the throne and performed his first three acts as king. The first being the exile of his father, for the crime against the people, to the wastes where he vanished and never heard from again. The second being the release of the slaves, who were given free lives in the kingdom to start anew. The third act was to decree a holiday to honor Thronaklass for what he done for them. That day, in mid winter became known as Klanotine, an old tongue word meaning day of freedom and hope.

Traditions of Klanotine

In current times of Asnorit, Klanotine has become a widely celebrated holiday all over the world, though mainly celebrated in Ranell as Klaosdor’s kingdom situated in upper areas of Cambino.  Klanotine’s main tradition is an exchanging of gifts between friends and family. Though it started mainly with gifts which had to be personally crafted, That tradition has become a bit passé in favor of gifts purchased from stores. There are other traditions as well such as offerings made to Thronaklass’ temple, as he was named the god of generosity, the festive decorating of homes, and other traditions. Some organizations partake in charity drives to aid the poor and sick. Some cities will partake a reenactment of Klaosdor’s defeat and performs plays about Thronaklass’ life.

To Children, stories are told of Thronaklass’ adventures and heroic deeds. A belief is held by some that Thronaklass returns on the eve of Klanotine give gifts to children especially those who have been good and kind. Some legends tell of Thronaklass existing on a plane separate from Elasvaine where we works with craftsmen of various races to make toys for him to deliver to the children. Some tales relating to Thronaklass also tell of the fate of Klaosdor, that he was punished by the gods to forever punish others who misdeeds during midwinter. Tales told children that while Thronaklass will reward them for their good deeds, Klaosdor would steal them away for their bad deeds.

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