Saturday, December 14, 2013

Something Wicked Chapter 11

Here's another new chapter from Lordryunson, this one focusing on the introduction of Savul.

Chapter 11: Giant's Child

The castle on top of Normda's mountain range was something out of
legend, it was large as the owners of it. It was blanketed in
snow, and although it looked deserted, it was far from
abandoned, as a giant elf and his mother looked at the
world pass them by while they tend to the castle's every need.

The occupant there was a huge man. A giant to be exact; muscular
and strangely enough, handsome. Eyes as blue as the sky, and sporting
some tan skin on his frame. He even wore some animal pelts on him,
over a shirt like he was going hunting. He was again, handsome
for a giant, for he was a Valkyrian Elf/Giant hybrid, a
powerful force even for their powerful breed. He even had
some greased up black/blue hair that was kept out of his
eyes. He even had some gauntlets on his hands.

As for his mother, Melina is an elf of course with raven
black hair, brown eyes and a fair skin tone. Savul gets
his blue eyes and muted skin tone from his father. Much
like other elves, she has prolonged youth so she shows
very little signs of age. Her age is roughly 70 but
still looks fairly beautiful with a slightly curvy but
toned body. Bust wise, she's about a double D cup. The
main sign of much age in her is a single streak of
silvery gray hair. For clothing wise, she wears a
clothing made from animal furs and cloak of snow
leopard fur when she is outside. In her home, she
wears a pale blue dress with long sleeves.

The giant asked the simple question, even though his
concept wasn't too simple; "Mama, why won't you let me
go outside? Into the world where I can enjoy all that
the creators have given us?"

Melina shrugged, "These close-minded folk simply won't understand
us, a woman sheltering a male Valkyrian Elf, especially if one
is as big as you." She looked at her son. "I was considered one
of the strongest Valkyrian Elves there for even bringing you
into this world, but I don't want you facing persecution at
the hands of others, not to mention things I dare not
speak about!"

"Is that bad?" The giant/elf hybrid spoke.

"This world is such a cold place, and I want the best for my son."
Melina nodded her head. "I wanted to take action, but we are vastly
outnumbered a million to one, I don't want you being in more
danger than you need to be." She later pointed to the kitchen.
"Dinner's almost ready, I don't want it to be cold!"

The giant obeyed. It wasn't his place to question his own mother.


Outside the castle, Cyril and co. were riding kirin dragons all
the way to the castle.

Cyril of course was at the front, trying to fight the strong
winds, especially when they are near the castle. "Just a few
minutes more, and we will be at the castle!"

"Is Melina as hot as they say?" Prince Anthony spoke as he was
right behind Cyril.

"WILL YOU BE QUIET, PRINCE ANTHONY!" Levine screamed while riding
alongside Uhana and her Kirin Dragon. "You want her husband to
tear you to ribbons?"

"We shall soon find out." Uhana spoke as she looked at Anthony.

'I hate being ignored.' Levine sunk into her shirt.

Mikhaela later strode beside Cyril on her Kirin Dragon as she
looked at her mini-viewing sphere she got from a store a
while back. "According to this, we are approaching Castle
Wolfran, named after a powerful giant that married Melina,
a friend of the chieftain."

Melon Flower peeked out of Cyril's jacket as she flew on
over. "What happened to this powerful giant?"

"We shall wait and see." Cyril later pressed forward as the
party reached the high gates of Castle Wolfran. Despite the
wind giving away, it later died down when the heroes reached
the castle of the great giant.

The castle itself was, as the heroes expected, huge. It was
slathered in snow, and bore tattered standards of the
Wolfran family crest. The heroes stood at the front gates
while they looked at the massive doorknob.

"I guess we'd better knock." Prince Anthony walked up to the
door and knocked several times. There was no answer. "Well,
how rude! We were going to ask the occupants questions, and
there's no one home!"

"Maybe they went shopping." Uahna responded.

"I'll handle this!" Melon Flower flew out of Cyril's jacket
as she flew towards a massive rope acting like a doorbell.
She then transformed into a human-sized, more muscular
version of
herself allowing her to 'pull' the doorbell.
With that, the bell
was rung as it was as loud as an
elephant's wail.

Suddenly, the door opened slightly to reveal the woman of
the house, Melina. "Oh my, I didn't know we'd had guests
from out of town!"

Suddenly, Prince Anthony perked up and ran up to the lovely
Melina. He took her hand and kissed it. "I am Prince Anthony
of Callister, and it's an honor to finally meet the lovely
Melina Wolfran!"

Suddenly, Levine clobbered him from behind.

"OW!" Anthony spoke. "What was that for?!"

"I saw how you were looking at her!" Levine barked. "Do you do
that to all women, no matter if they were married or not?!"

"Is that a problem?" Anthony scratched his head.

"You will forgive Prince Anthony, his view on women is,
questionable at best." Cyril butted in. He shook Melina's hand.
"I'm Cyril Oakmead, and this is Mikhaela, Melon Flower, Uahna
and Levine." He introduced the rest of the party as they bowed.
"We come from the village of Nordma to see about your son."

Melina blushed. "Oh, Uldandi must've sent you!" She turned around.
"Come in! I'd like you to meet my son, he can't wait to meet you!"

Cyril and the gang nodded.


Meanwhile, in a hot spring/tavern on a random town near
the mountain ranges, there were two buxom ladies getting
a massage, tended by armored women, bearing the
mark of the Pleasure Goddess.

One was Sorryn Vileblood, who was stark naked save for a
towel covering her back. Her massive breasts were mashed into
a table as she kept her helmet on, as a symbol of her status
in the arena.

Right beside her was Lady Contrina, who was also tended even
more than Sorryn. Her collossal breasts were also mashed into the
table as her back was rubbed down, hands digging into that flesh.
"So, you didn't get the Dragon's Blood Ruby neither." She spoke.

"The what?" Sorryn was confused about the entire thing.

Contrina reminded the armored elf, "The Dragon's Blood Ruby,
an object of untold power to whomever has it." She turned
her head as she allowed herself a smile. "It's in the hands
of a sorceress whose boobs are somehow larger than my own!
Mikhaela she calls herself." She peered in. "Ring
a bell, Sorryn honey?"

Sorryn pondered this for a moment. "No, doesn't ring a bell,
but I did see a sorceress with massive breasts fighting off
my troops."

"It must be her!" Contrina smiled again. "Don't tell me you've
forgotten the real reason why you went to Normda!"

"I haven't forgotten, Queen Gulgia is losing her patience gathering
funds and warriors for our Arena!" Sorryn barked. "Why did a
Dragon's Blood Ruby enter the conversation?"

Lady Contrina then winked her eye. "Let a girl have a few secrets."
She later reached out from under her towel and placed her hand
on Sorryn's massive butt. She later squeezed it, as said hand
dug right in that buttflesh as it jiggled in her hand.

Sorryn yelped at this.

"You have such a beautiful butt!" Contrina giggled as she continued
squeezing Sorryn's giant ass. "The biggest elf booty ever recorded,
and it's all yours! It's as big as my own!"

With that, Sorryn flipped up from her table, and landed right on
the ground. Her giant butt bounced and wobbled when she landed.
Her plump breasts and belly flopped while she did so, causing
her hair to swish as well. "I'm warning you, try anything foolish
and your breasts won't be the only thing that's swollen!"

Contrina sighed. "Typical, seeing you Valkyrian Elves are known
for physical combat." She got up from her table as she ordered
her tenants away. Her massive breasts and belly bounced and
wobbled as she walked towards Sorryn. Her butt wobbled while
she walked towards Sorryn. "Even with your skill, you would
not be a match for both my strength and magic." Her breasts
slapped her stomach as both mediums bounced as they collided
with Sorryn's own breasts and belly. "As we speak, Berunka
is now talking to several mercenaries, getting profits for
our arena and obtaining the Ruby all the same!" Contrina
pushed her breasts further into Sorryn's, causing them to
bounce and wobble. Their bellies did the same thing. "Those
children won't know what hit them until it's too late!"

Sorryn looked at her plump breasts mash with Contrina's own,
then back to Contrina's green eyes. "Do you realize they got
a giant/valkyrian elf hybrid up there? Those treasure hunters
will fail and end up as bread!"

"That's why they are specialized giant hunters." Contrina pulled
Sorryn in an embrace as Sorryn was swallowed by Contrina's massive
breasts. She then placed her hands on Sorryn's butt as she massaged
it again, with her hands dug in that buttflesh as it jiggled in
Contrina's hands. "No matter the shaft size, Mikhaela and her
friends will meet impotence all the same!"

Sorryn later pulled herself out of Contrina's massive breasts
as they bounced and wobbled. Her own floppies bounced and
jumped as her huge butt and belly did the same.

"Aw, and I thought you liked being worshipped by your fans!"
Contrina then walked over, causing her massive endowments to bounce
and jiggle as she reached out and grabbed one of Sorryn's floppies
and lifted it while it wobbled in her hands. She tossed it up
and down to signify the power of those floppies. "Then again, who
wouldn't with breasts like these?" She then dove into Sorryn's
boob as she clamped said floppy with her mouth. She then made
some suckling sounds as she nursed and pulled on Sorryn's boob.
Her hand continuing squeezing said boob as it was like pudding
in her hands.

Sorryn was shocked at this turn of events as she watched
Contrina suckle the elf's huge boob.

Contrina suckled and nursed Sorryn's massive floppie as she
buried her face in that boob, and while she did so, it bounced
and had said titflesh slathered all over Contrina's face. She
squeezed it some more, and eventually she lifted her head as
the boob followed suit, and wiggled it. That boob also wiggled
as well, and suddenly, Contrina lets go of the floppie and
let out a erotic gasp, allowing the boob to slap Sorryn's
belly, causing both mediums to wobble and bounce. "With
these proportions, you could get any man you want!"
Contrina then moved in and squeezed Sorryn's potbelly.
She jiggled it in her hands as she patted it, causing
it to bounce and wobble.

Sorryn was furious about Contrina's flirtatious behavior.

"Such a closed minded woman." Contrina spoke in disappointment
as she wriggled her finger. "Rest assured, Queen Gulgia
will get her fighters and money in due time;" She turned
around as she wrapped the towel around her voluptuous figure.
Her breasts and belly bounced while this was happening. "Make
sure that we don't both screw this one up!" She turned around
and as she did so, her huge butt bounced and wobbled while she
walked away.

Sorryn wanted to beat up Contrina so badly, but she too is in
leagues with Queen Gulgia's Bloody Ogre Arena Guild. Besides,
Queen Gulgia isn't one to make angry; fights are resolved
within her arena, not outside.


"Oh, I'm so glad you were able to come on such sort notice, I
didn't expect any company;" Melina worked on cooking more food
for the party in case that there is a quasi-likely chance of
having guests. "It gets rather lonely up here tending to
Savul's every needs."

"Savul?" Prince Anthony peered in.

"My son." Melina smiled as she called out, "Savul! We have guests!"

Savul entered the room as he loomed over the party. He looked at
each and every one of Cyril's party.

Each of Cyril's party was shocked to see such a person, a giant
mixed in with a Valkyrian Elf; Some were happy to see him, very
happy, like Uahna and Melon Flower for instance. The rest of the
party was shocked beyond belief, stating they will be torn to
shreds if they even looked at him funny.

"Mama," Savul looked at the gang with a shocked look
on his face. "Who are they?"

"This is Cyril Oakmead, and his friends Prince Anthony, Mikhaela,
Melon Flower, Uahna and Levine." Melina called out. "Aren't you
going to say hello?"

Savul blushed at this. He walked up to the party rather nervously
as he simply tried shaking Cyril's hand. However, it was his hand
that was shaking, not the actual shaking of Cyril's hand in
greeting. He later scratched his head and turned around as
he walked away.

"What's up with him?" Cyril asked the question.

"Forgive my son, he's not used to guests, especially those from
out of town." Melina talked to Cyril. "It's rather hard
since his father passed away, killed in battle against some
vicious treasure hunters, not to mention his appearance
can give out the wrong impression." She looked at her son
went back to his room. "I wanted him to see the world around
him, even allowing him to leave the house to go to town, but
despite his beautiful stature, various jealous folk deemed
him a horrible monster." Melina later sulked down. "He even
can't get a girl to save his life because of his shyness!"

"No kidding, I thought we are going to have our bones ground
up into bread for all we know!" Prince Anthony commented as
he was told stories of vicious giants who are known for
such a practice.

Levine somehow was looking at Uahna while she she tried snapping
her fingers at the cleric. "Hello, Lady Uahna! Lumos is calling

Uahna was somehow thrilled that someone with a shaft that big
could enter her life. She snapped out of it while talking to
Melina. "Maybe he ought to flaunt his gifts rather than keep
them bottled up, show him that people care about him and
his well being!" She later called out to Melina. "Maybe I can
teach him how to use his blessings to bring even the sternest
woman to their knees!"

"It's not going to be easy." Mikhaela spoke to the cleric. "Some
women prefer to be satisfied by experienced men rather than sheer
shaft size, which is why you can count me out of your little plan."
Mikhaela, despite having a giantess's D cup, has a point, which
is why she stood by Cyril time and time again despite all these
sexual adventures.

"I'll help!" Melon Flower flown in as she hovered around Uahna.
"I'll find out what makes him tick, and with Uahna's guidance,
we'll educate him how to use his gifts to please all the ladies
around him!"

"Besides," Cyril added in, "We'll need all the help we can get
if we are going to beat Sorryn and people like her!"

Melina gasped at the thought. "What do you know of Sorryn Vileblood?"

Prince Anthony butted in, "What Cyril is trying to say is that
our party is rather poorly structured." He later pointed out to
himself and Levine, as well as Uahna, Cyril, Mikhaela and Melon
Flower, "We have a couple of fighters, a healer, a couple
of wizards, and a thief. No real tanks, which is what we
needed to distract Sorryn while our spell casters can attack
from a distance and the healers tend to the wounded."

"We also need healers." Mikhaela added in. "Uahna can only do
so much for the party."

Melina then looked at the gang. "You didn't answer my question,
what do you know of Sorryn Vileblood?"

"She is known far and wide as a brutal fighter and popular in
that circuit." Cyril answered the question. "She simply gave us
her autograph."

"That's not an autograph, it's a humiliation!" Prince Anthony
corrected Cyril. Both of them remembered their first fight with
her, and they weren't prepared for a professional warrior. Their
reward? Her huge breasts pressed against their cocks as both men
came whereas Sorryn didn't. "She brought half a tribe under her
control and we had to quell that!"

"Not to mention her breasts are really flabby!" Levine added in.

"Levine, where are your manners?!" Uahna called out. "Even if
she is our enemy, we must still treat her with respect."

Levine hmphed in disgust.

"As we are saying," Cyril decided to conclude that statement.
"We have to get your son on a more positive mindset that will
help us overcome the persecutions of this world!"

Melina smiled. "It is settled. If you can convince my son that the
world is worth exploring while overcoming persecution, then I will
have him join your quest."

The gang nodded their heads.


In speaking of Berunka, she looked at three huge warriors,
one of which was larger than the others.

The first was an Ogre, huge, muscular and fat, wearing
armor that he looted and plundered from various dwarven
armories. On his belt were severed heads of said dwarves,
mostly from a region that the heroes haven't explored yet.
He had an eye plucked out, and he sported a massive crossbow.
He wore the fur of a huge mountain lion that he has killed
in his time, and even sporting an oil black beard. Some say
that his entire outfit blended in the mountains.

The second was like his brother, except he was dressed in
a mockery of tavern chefs in the village; Heavily bloodied
and carrying with him all sorts of preparation knives.
He even carried a staff, which allowed him to create
the Ogre Goddess's magic through both healing and
disruption. He had a food sloshed beard which food
can be caught by.

Now the third is larger and taller than the other two, and sporting a
single eye; Not cut out nor blinded, but a natural one eye,
for he is a cyclops, a dimwitted brute, but at the same time,
known for smitheries, which the other two goons value greatly.
He had tattoos all over him, and he even had markings to
amplify his strength. He towered over his comrades and the
like, as well as looking at the very short Berunka.

Berunka looked back at the three bullies as she smiled,
"You have your orders, gentlemen." She pointed her skeletal
rod at the castle where Cyril and friends are currently located.
"At that castle, you will find both treasure and a warrior that
would be added to the Bloody Ogre Arena." She turned off her
viewing sphere as she looked at the first of the three.
"I must warn you, they have creatures of both the fair
folk and several mages there to combat Butchera's belly magic,
which is why I temporarily decided to join your entourage."

"Why we take orders from a bad shorty?" The first Ogre spoke.

Berunka frowned. "Cross me, and you cross mistress Contrina,
and we don't want to cross her friend who made you who you
are, Mistress Gulgia the Ogre Queen."

The second ogre pulled his brother aside. "She's right, we're
in this for the money our queen promised us!"

The first Ogre snorted.

As for the Cyclops, he scratched his head while wandering off.

"It seems your dimwitted teammate has the right idea." She saw
the cyclops head towards the castle. "Best follow him, we'll
need all the support we can use."

The two ogres nodded.


"It's just as we feared." Melon Flower peeked through the door crack
leading to Savul's room. "Despite his manliness and his ability
to attract even the most hormonal female, his shyness can't
get him a date nor sexual partner to save his life!"

"Which is why we need you four out here standing guard in case
we get uninvited guests." Uahna nodded her head. "Melon Flower and
I will go in and try to convince Savul that the world is worth
leaving the nest for!"

"Well, don't let us stop you," Mikhaela spoke as she led out Levine,
Cyril and Anthony as Uahna did her plan accordingly while the rest
of the gang was looking outside for the intruders that might
interfere with Uahna's plan.

Levine later heard something that wasn't part of the castle. Footsteps
that get progressively louder and louder as they entered the castle.
"Did you guys hear that?"

"I hear it too!" Cyril spoke as he looked at Levine. "Those uninvited
guests must not reach Savul's room!"

Mikhaela screamed out, "Show yourselves!"

There was the three treasure hunters, all standing at
the hallway prepped for a fight. There was the two Ogres and the
monstrous cyclops.

"That's a big one eyed monster!" Prince Anthony made a comment as
there was later a glare from the rest of the party. "Well there is!"

Out from behind the three monsters stepped in Berunka. She bowed
as she made her gesture, "I don't think we've been properly
introduced, my name is Berunka, servant of her ladyship
Contrina. We will be taking that giant/elf hybrid, and
we will be on our way."

Mikhaela glared at Berunka. "I'm not letting you near him, vile
Duergar beast!"

"Duergar?" The rest of the party gasped in shock.

"Infernal Dwarf." Mikhaela spoke as she announced the common
name for such an evil dwarf. "Besides, your mistress Contrina
won't be getting even a drop of precum from him!"

"Is that a threat, Mikhaela?" Berunka smiled as she waved her
glasses. "Many lordships will pay handsomely for your capture,
and Mistress Contrina will have that Dragon's Blood Ruby now."

"You'll have to go through us, small chest!" Prince Anthony bellowed
as he pointed his rapier at her.

"We won't let you harm mistress Mikhaela and Savul!" Cyril joined
alongside his friends.

"Same here!" Levine made a stand.

"It's always the hard way with you heroes, isn't it?" Berunka
later ordered the three monsters to attack the heroes. "Squash
these insects, but bring me the Dragon's Blood Ruby!"

It was then that the heroes charged forward while the monsters
did the same thing.


Inside Savul's room, there was Savul sitting on his bed wondering
about the world around him. Sure, he was rarely accepted, but
is somehow exempt from the mating rituals of the village. The
ladies there wanted fit male elves to continue the ritual, but
having a giant male Valkyrian elf would only lead to disaster.
Thus, Savul started to shed a tear, no one would accept him for
who he is, an outcast by the threads of society who only want
purebloods in the world.

Uahna and Melon Flower entered the room as the former spoke in
a calm voice. "Savul? It's me, Uahna, and I brought Melon Flower
with me."

Savul looked at Uahna. He later spoke, "Are you sent by the betters
to torment me, to make fun of me in my own home?"

"I would never make fun of you even if I was dared to!" Uahna later
sat right next to Savul, "I know how it's difficult to win the
heart of a girl, especially if I haven't fell in love with
a single man."

"Why?" Savul asked the question.

"If you must know, growing up the way I did wasn't exactly picture
perfect like my tormenters strive to be." Uahna later focused
attention on her past.


"Steal my boyfriend will you?!" A twisted elf knocked a young
Uahna down as she threw the latter into the mud. "That will
teach you to seduce my boyfriend with your looks alone, freak!"

Her posse laughed with her.

"Oh come on, he was barely happy being with you!" Uahna then
shed a tear.

"Aw, you're gonna cry now?" The ugly elf cracked her fists as
she proceeded to pound Uahna into the ground, alongside her
posse, who are willing to join in the slaughter.

Suddenly, a young Levine appeared, and stood right beside
Uahna. "BACK OFF, PUNKS!" She pointed her spear at the bullies
as she screamed out. "I'll take you all on if I have to!"

"You heard her." The twisted elf smiled as she called forth
her posse as they charged towards Levine.

Levine twirled around her staff as she managed to dodge a charging
elf as she slapped her silly with said staff. Another elf charged
in as that bully was met with a similar fate. The leader, the one
who pushed her into the mud was harder to defeat, but nothing
Levine couldn't handle. She managed to topple all of the bullies
tormenting her as she twirled around, leaving the bullies battered
and bruised.

"Another freak!" The leader, despite being bloodied, was now
uglier than before. "I'll remember this!" It was then that she
left the area.

Levine turned around as she pulled Uahna out of the mud as she
spoke, "Are you alright? These sort of adventures have gotten
you into more trouble than they are worth!"

Uahna smiled, "I'll be fine; I'm a big girl now, you needn't
worry about such trivial things!"

Levine lowered her head. "I understand, but as long as you have
friends who care about you, I will continue to stand by your side."
It was then Levine clasped Uahna's hand.


"Now you know the story." Uahna smiled as she held Savul's hand.

Now Savul had a slightly different story.


There was Savul, leaving the safety of Castle Wolfran to get some
supplies for his mother. Ever since his father perished at the
hands of venomous ogres seeking to add him to their twisted
arena, Savul has felt uneasy around women. His sheltered upbringing
did not help him one bit, as he was dressed in furs his mother
gave him.

When he did went into town, all he ever got was glares from the
straight men and the women who preferred female company to that
of men.

"Hey!" A kid shrieked out. "It's the yeti again! Run for your lives!"

This offended Savul. He wanted to tear that kid apart, but his
mother Melina taught him that kindness was always a virtue.
He simply ignored the brat as he was secretly hurt by the
child's insults towards the giant. Was the child kidding and
trying to be funny?

Suffice to say that one man's comedy is another man's tragedy.


Flash foward to the present as both Uahna and Savul told each
other's stories.

"See? We both have friends that we want to get to know each
other, and save ourselves from persecution." She called forth
Melon Flower as she said the following, "Melon Flower, we are
ready for the ritual!"

"How are you going to survive something this big?" Melon Flower
spoke as she flew right beside Uahna.

"I'll provide support, YOU are going in!" Uahna giggled.

"WHAT?!" Melon Flower and Savul was shocked at this. This
might take a while.


In speaking of taking a while,

Cyril and friends were having a difficult time fighting the Ogres,
the Cyclops and Berunka. Despite Mikhaela being a skilled mage in

her own right, even she was slightly cut off by the Ogre Goddess's

spells crafted by an Ogre we shall call, Cutter.

His brother, we shall call Slicer, moved in for the kill, as he
drew his blade towards Anthony and Levine. The two managed to
dodge him as they tripped him up. Slicer was no fool as he shot
a crossbow from behind his back as he aimed it at Levine.

Levine had barely enough time to dodge as the arrow on a string
wrapped her up.

Both Prince Anthony and Slicer got a nosebleed at this, but
quickly snapped out of it as they continued fighting.

Levine was angry now. She used her strength to break free of
her bonds and charged at the two men, while screaming,
"PERVERTS!!" She clobbered both of them as the two of them
were thickheaded as thickheaded can be.

However, she was somehow snatched up by the Cyclops.

"OOOO, purty." Said the one eyed monster.

"LET ME GO YOU ONE EYED MONSTER!" Levine screamed out as she
tried to fight back.

"Who's making the bad pun now?" Prince Anthony continued facing
Slicer as the two of them fought with sword and crossbow.

As for Cyril and Mikhaela, they were trying to fight off the
Cyclops. A fire spell here, and an ice one here, they are trying
to force the cyclops to let go of Levine.

The Cyclops was forced to let go of his new toy and proceeded
to charge the two wizards.

'Hurry Uahna, I don't know how long we can hold them!' Cyril
thought as he watched Mikhaela fight alongside him.

Mikhaela wondered where Berunka went. Did she even contribute
to the cause of the Ogres?


While the fight at the front gate was going on, Melon Flower
and Uhana
were both trying all sorts of positions with Savul.

Savul was rather shy about this, but he's the type of fella that
would be glad to try out new things, even safe sex.

Uahna placed a protective seal around Savul's shaft and she
planned to use it to give Melon Flower a good time.

Melon Flower grew to Savul's size and took his huge fleshrod and
looked at it. "Wow, they weren't kidding, with a manhood like
that, you could get any girl you wanted, even moreso than
Prince Anthony!"

"But the big sorceress said...." Savul tried to reason with
Melon Flower, but the fairy proved to be just too stubborn.

"But nothing! Mikhaela's just picky. A lot girls like a man
with a big
prick and most are barely half your size," Melon
Flower then took her
boobs and sandwiched the shaft in between
her melons. She stroked said
member as she did all sorts of
things to it. She stroked it back and
forth with said melons as
they bounced and wobbled.

Savul got a sensation, but nothing too special yet.

"Now watch closely, cause I'm going to really spice up your
tallywacker!" Melon Flower then placed her mouth on the shaft
as she sucked it. The event lasted for a few minutes while
she did so.

Savul continued to feel a sensation climbing as big as his
shaft was getting, but nothing too special yet.

Melon Flower then removed herself from the shaft as she was
disappointed that the effect didn't make him cum yet. "So,
you're a sexually frustrated man, and you don't have a partner
to do it with?"

"I'm sorry," Savul spoke. "This is actually my first time."

Melon Flower puffed out. "Fine, we'll keep doing it until
we can make your shlong explode in cum!" She later bent over
to expose her rear end. "Can you place that shaft in here?"
She wiggled her butt as she eagerly awaited the flesh train
entering the tunnel.

Savul did precisely that while Uhana's protection spell was
still around that shaft as he pumped in and out of Melon Flower's
ass while he pushed it in further and further.

"There are a lot more positions, but we might not have time to
explain them all here." Melon Flower spoke as she was enjoying
the rush. Her breasts swung like pendulums as she was getting
railed. "Harder Savul, HARDER!!"

Savul obeyed. He had to take the advice of an expert sooner
or later.

Suddenly, as sneaky as a twisted cat, the twisted Berunka snaked
in the room as she ogled at the scene before her while prepping a
wicked plan that she will execute after this is over. After
all, it was in her mistresses nature not to kill or capture those
people until after they had some hormonal sex. She drowned herself

in those sounds as she watched from a distance.

"Oh Savul, I'm cumming!" Melon Flower spoke.

"I'm...." Savul spoke as he couldn't think of a word. Savul wasn't
stupid, he's just naive to see what cum meant, thinking it was
'come.' He later pulled his shaft out of Melon Flower's butt as
cum sprayed all over Melon Flower as the fairy let out an orgasmic
glee as she covered herself up.

"Not bad for a first timer." Melon Flower spoke as she looked at
a very disappointed Uahna. "I know you didn't get in on the fun,
but I have two reasons for it," She said the following as she
shrunk down back to her normal size.

"He's not ready for a two-pluser, and his shaft is far too big."
Uahna lowered her head in shame.

"Don't worry about it." Savul smiled. "It's only my first time, and
I would like to do things rather gradually before getting on with
various ladies." Savul lowered his head. "Question is, would
someone want me for something other than my own manhood size?"

"Perhaps I can help."

The trio turned around to see Berunka stand before them.

"Can we help you?" Uahna looked at the Infernal Dwarf.

"I don't think we've been properly introduced," Berunka knelt
before them. "I am Berunka, and I have come with a proposition
for our big friend."

"What do you want?" Melon Flower rudely interjected.

Berunka spoke as she spoke to Savul. "Just between you and me, we
are both hybrid creatures rejected by the purebloods that seek
to maintain order in the world." Berunka then revealed part of
her past. "As a human/infernal dwarf hybrid, I was rarely
accepted by others, just like you, a giant/valkyrian elf
hybrid." She later showed an image of those purebloods
laughing horribly. "Luckly, my mistress Contrina founded me, and
accepted me for who I am, which is why you'd be better
off on our side."

"Contrina, as in Lady Contrina?" Uahna was shocked by this, but
neither Melon Flower nor Savul knew who this Contrina was.

"Is she bad?" Melon Flower peered in. "If she is, we can't allow
Savul into their hands."

"So what do you say, Savul?" Berunka told Savul. "Will you serve
Lady Contrina and help her fulfill her dream of turning all of
Asnorit into a pleasure planet? Or will you be stuck with these
so called friends who would only bully you further?"

Savul pondered this for a moment. If he had joined Contrina, then
he would use his gifts for the wrong reasons, screwing anyone
that he'd come in contact with. Berunka failed to mention about
the brutal gladiator fights that Savul might get into, seeing that
Contrina is a hedonistic Death Knight. The very idea of a giant
serving a woman who thinks she's God's gift to men and
lesbians might give him and his mother the wrong idea. On the
other hand, if he joined Cyril and his friends, not only will
they experience sexual adventures for the right reasons, but
he will find a woman of his liking, and will eventually marry
and have children.

It was then that Savul made his decision. "Thanks for the offer,
but I'd like to go with Cyril and his friends."

It was then that Berunka was ticked off. "You will pay for your
refusal." Suddenly she suddenly creating a pleasure sphere, a
foul invention of Contrina containing a certain woman. Chained,
bound and gagged as various unmentionable porn toys are laced
around the area.

"MAMA!" Savul was shocked by this.

"LET HER GO!" Melon Flower was furious about this.

"Drop your weapons, or Melina here will get the ultimate orgasm."
Berunka pointed her staff at Melina's pleasure sphere.

"What did she ever do to you?" Uahna lowered her hands.

Berunka snorted. "Damned Valkyrian and Light Elves nearly took my
life while trying to create a new spell." Berunka spoke as she watched
Savul, Melon Flower and Uahna lower their weapons. "Mistress Contrina
saved my life, and recognized my talent, something you will never
understand!" Berunka spoke as she casted a spell that activated
the pleasure machine. "I'll have you beg to join my mistress!"

However, Berunka didn't count on the fact that Melina was a
Valkyrian Elf, and allowed herself to be captured to create
a plan that will get her son's courage up. Using her strength,
she broke her bonds and destroyed the pleasure sphere.

"WHAT? NO!" Berunka screamed as she saw Melina break out of
the sphere.

"LEAVE MY SON ALONE!" Melina then charged and casted an ice spell
that slammed right into Berunka's own magic shield.

"I should've estimated the Valkyrian Elves ability to use magic,
as well as a mother and child, something even my parents were
neglectful with me!" She then raised her arms as she created
a summoning portal. "Dark Lord of the Forge and the Dead, hear me!"

"So, Miss planner," Melon Flower spoke to Uahna. "Do we stick
around and fight this mad sorceress, or do we go and save Cyril
from those ogres?"

Uahna made her decision. "We gotta help Cyril, we've been in
this area too long!" It was then that Uahna, Melon Flower,
Melina and Savul raced to the area where Cyril and his friends
are being attacked by the Ogres.

'They fell for it!' Berunka then completed her nefarious spell.
"I, your servant Berunka beseech thee, I summon the Death Hawk
of Bonelaught!"

Suddenly, a frightening, giant parody of a hawk emerged from the
vortex as it flapped it's wings while it screeched a horrible
screech. It landed as Berunka landed on it's back as she rode
it outside of the room as she followed Uahna and her friends.


Somehow, during that sex scene, the ogres managed to capture
Cyril, Prince Anthony, Mikhaela and Levine and tied them up.

"HAH!" Slicer spoke as he got his price. "Dem flimsies and oomans
don't look so tough up close!"

"It's a sick wonder why boss Sorryn has no problem making Annie
Boy and Cyril explode in jizz!" Cutter fashioned his huge knife
as he glared down at the tied up gang. "Eyes say we eats them now!"

Slicer slapped his brother in the head. "THEY ARE NOT FOR EATING!"

"What we looking fer agin?" The Cyclops scratched his head.

"Some ruby thing." Slicer took Mikheala and demanded the following,
"Where the ruby?!"

Mikheala spat at the ogre. "You'll never find the ruby even if
you graduated from the most prestigious academy in all of Ranell!"

Finally, Uahna, Melon Flower, Melina and Savul arrived and confronted the
Ogres as well as trying to rescued Cyril and co.

"Sorry we're late." Uahna giggled as she brought her friends
along to save them. "Got a little sidetracked."

"So you ogres better get ready for a butt whooping!" Melon Flower
spoke as she cracked her fists.

Suddenly, Berunka flew right above the ogres in her Death Hawk of
Bonelaught. "Looks like I'll have to search for the Dragon's Blood
Ruby myself." She then gave the command. "Smash those ingrates while
I complete the task at hand!"

The Ogres and cyclops obeyed.

Melina then gave the command. "Melon Flower and Uahna will deal with
that cruel sorceress while I save Cyril and his friends!"

Savul spoke, "What about me?"

Melina smiled. "Teach these bullies a lesson they won't soon forget!"

Savul obeyed, and charged towards the monsters as he called forth
an Ice Barrier to block any incoming attacks. An ice wall was erected
to block any arrows done by Slicer. The arrows bounced off the barrier
as Savul charged in and clobbered the offending hunter.

Cutter was slightly tougher to deal with, seeing he used some
bizarre magic to hold off the ice magic.

Savul was not one to disappoint, for he somehow placed his faith
in his fist than any some flimsy magic as he ran in and clobbered
the offending ogre.

Now the Cyclops on the other hand, was both a skilled fighter and
probably a much bigger threat than Savul, but the latter wasn't
stupid like the cyclops was. Despite the cyclops being more of
a brutal fighter, he didn't quite grasp the concept of defending
Savul's punches.

Berunka in the meanwhile was charging towards Uahna as she bellowed,
"You may have somehow trounced my Spawn of Bonelaught, but my
Death Hawk will make quick work of you!" She called forth various
feathered needles as the Death Hawk flapped it's wings.

Luckily, Uahna managed to erect a barrier to block the incoming
feather knifes.

Melon Flower moved in and managed to distract Berunka with her
flying around, like a fly buzzing around a rather annoyed animal.

"DAMN FAIRY!" Berunka cursed as she tried to attack her with
spell after spell as Uahna managed to chant a holy spell.

As for Melina, she ran over, and untied the gang. She managed to
do so as the battle was going on, preoccupying them from turning
around and trying to kill or eat Cyril and his friends.

"Thank the gods you've arrived!" Cyril spoke as he was set free.
He brushed himself off as he helped Melina untie the others. He
later called out to his gang, "Now let's teach these brutes
what we are made of!"

Prince Anthony, Mikhaela and Levine followed suit as the sorceress
aided Uahna while Levine and Anthony helped out Savul.

Not only were the villains outnumbered, but possibly outgunned
as well, due to Mikhaela casting various fire spells at the giant
creatures, causing them to try and dispell the spells as quickly
as possible.

Cutter was forced to run away, along with Slicer.

"COWARDS!" Berunka called out as she watched Savul clobber the
Cyclops in a one on one duel.

Savul delivered a vicious hook to the Cyclops as his speed clearly
outdid the Cyclop's own fists. Even though Savul took some blows
himself right in his chiseled frame, he did not falter; To fail
now is to fail his mother, who watched him now. He vowed not to
fail his friends, and he managed to use his fists,
eventually defeating and breaking the one eyed monster.

The Cyclops was forced to run away, seeing that he was no match
for the giant/elf hybrid.

Suddenly, it was time for Berunka to make a get away as well.
Somehow a group of mages are too much even for a sorceress
of Berunka's level.

Suddenly, the gang were reunited as Cyril commented on Savul's
brand of skill. "Impressive." He looked at the giant. "Not only
did you show great fighting skill, but your willingness to
protect your friends has shown even greater hopes for you!"

"Tell me about it." Prince Anthony spoke as he looked at the
size of Savul. "Now we've got someone who outranks us
spirituality!" He looked at Savul's member.

"Is that bad?" Savul covered himself up.

"Of course not!" Uahna smiled. "You did good!"

"Please tell me we will run into a town that doesn't have any
perverts in it." Levine just shook her head in disapproval.

Melina smiled. "Well Cyril, you passed my test. You and your
friends have shown my son that he doesn't have to live in
closed quarters for the rest of his life, and encouraged him
to want to see the world outside of his home!" She later
bowed. "I thank you."

Savul then turned to his mother as tears filled his eyes. He
looked over to Cyril as Mikhaela responded,

"Do what's best in your heart, friend."

Savul then looked at his mother again and said, "Well, I'm
leaving now to explore the world around me. There is much to
learn and I can't do it all by books alone." He then hugged
her. "Goodbye Mama, I'll miss you."

"I'll always remember you, my son." Melina hugged back. "I'll
keep tending this castle to the best of my abilities, and I
want to give you something." She presented him with some
gauntlets that will help him on his Journey. "These gauntlets
will aid you wherever you are, and I will always be with
you, for I have placed my love in making these gauntlets."
Melina planted a kiss on Savul's cheek. "I love you, my son."

The gauntlets in question were the Glacier Gauntlets, forged
and given to Savul by his mother. Made of Elven Steel and adorned
with a rare metal known as Ice Lacrima, they enhanced his
already powerful ice magic, and can even help him out in dire
situations where an ice wall was needed.

Savul said the following, "I love you too, Mama."

Melon Flower then spoke the following, "We gotta get moving, who
knows what we will encounter next!"

The gang nodded.


"What do you mean you failed to get the Dragon's Blood Ruby?"
Lady Contrina spoke as they were at a very nice restaurant in
the village as Berunka returned slightly empty handed. Her
massive breasts were mashed onto the table as all that flab
creeped out of her armor as it bounced.

"I didn't realize that a mother's love is stronger than sheer
prostitution." Berunka lowered her head in shame. "My men
and I were both outnumbered and outgunned!"

"You could've sent me, Lady Contrina!" Sorryn sat between the
two ladies. Her huge, floppy breasts were also on the table,
causing all that titflesh to creep out as they bounced. "I'll
slay them all even without those pansy magic users!"

"Easy for you to say!" Berunka snapped at Sorryn. "Your butt is
so big it's literally taken two chairs just to fit it!"

Berunka was right, Sorryn had to take two chairs just to fit
her massive tushy. She was rather annoyed by this. She got up
causing her breasts to wobble forth, as well as her belly.
"Look who's talking, does that knowledge of Bonelaught compensate
for your really small breasts?!"

Typical dwarf/elf bias, Contrina thought.

The two glared at each other until Lady Contrina pushed them away.
Her giant breasts and belly wobbling while she did so. "Ladies
please! Now is not the time to argue on who should've done what,
the point is that even our rivals can't seem to defeat those
cute little brats!"

"Now that they managed to tame that big giant, we're done for!"
Berunka flustered as she tried to maintain composure.

"Bring it on!" Sorryn stood up as her huge breasts and belly
bounced within her armor. Sorryn's massive butt also bounced
and wobbled while she stood up. "It's very unlikely that even a
huge shaft will satisfy me!"

Suddenly a viewing device came from Contrina's pocket as she
pulled it out. She activated said device as she answered it.

"Lady Contrina!" What was shown was a rather brutish, but still
beautiful face, for this face was plump and huge. She had short,
grease black hair all in curls, and even sporting a fancy crown
on her head, as well as jewels all over her. The rest of the
description was cut off at this time, for it was a rather small
viewing globe. "Why haven't you gotten the funds yet, as well
as new fighters for my arena?!"

"We're sorry Gulgia, but we ran into some problems,
involving some children who obviously have some poor taste
in the opposite gender!" Lady Contrina spoke as she looked upon
the Ogre Queen, Gulgia. Despite Gulgia being the boss of it all,
deep down Lady Contrina was more dangerous. "One of those children,
Mikhaela, even called my beautiful breasts flabby!" Contrina
then lifted her impressive flesh mountains as she jiggled
them in her hands. "Can you believe it? A disrespectful
flat chested sorceress who augmented her breasts to compensate
her rather lower class spirituality!"

"Mikhaela, as in Mikhaela Blackmare?" The Ogre Queen spoke as she
took a massive leg of an unidentified animal and took a bite out
of it, chewing the meat on there.

"Is that a problem?" Contrina looked at her.

The Ogre Queen finished her snack as she explained the whole thing,
"One of our fighters, Raphilia Blackmare, mysteriously disappeared
after an unknown event. Some say she won fair and square, while
others believed that she used magic in a no magic zone." Gulgia
continued her massive dinner as she looked at Contrina.

Berunka looked at the Ogre Queen as she said the following. "What
happened to her?"

Gulgia spoke through the viewing sphere again. "That's the thing,
nobody knows where she is, but we best keep on our guard if we
are gonna face this Raphilia."

"ENOUGH!" Sorryn was angry now. "I don't care if this Raphilia
was hit by a dozen elephants while prancing around naked on the street!"
She slammed her fist down as her huge breasts bounced and wobbled.
"We have to get funds for our arena, and we need them NOW!"

"Calm down, I'm sure we can get our funds somewhere." Berunka
spoke as she flustered her arms.

Then Lady Contrina got an idea. A twisted idea that it would only
take half the effort of brainless idiots to come up with. "Say,
you know the famed Halfling adventurer Willham Talkins, and
his accumulation of various treasures he obtained while he
fought in Murdock's party?"

"Willham of Heather Valley, I thought he was a myth, a story
book hero!"
Sorryn peered in as she listened to her ally.

"He's as real as our breasts, my dear Sorryn!" Lady Contrina wriggled
her finger. "Some of these treasures he took from various power
hungry lords will be perfect for our funds." She took both
Berunka and Sorryn's heads and wrapped her arms around them,
plowing said heads in her massive breasts. Sorryn's and Berunka's
heads were mashed right in Contrina's breasts as they bounced and
wobbled. "We'll teach those brats not to mess with us!"

"As usual mistress, you always have a back up plan up your sleeve!"
Berunka smiled as she admired her lady. "Somehow if I am not mistaken,
it's right past the Umbaren Kingdom, where Glodrick's dwarves may
keep those brats occupied while we slip unseen."

"That's why we'll have to move quickly, even Ravultha doesn't
even know the treasures exists!" Contrina then stood up as her
giant breasts and belly bounced and wobbled. "We will get those
funds, and those halfling slaves, and we will get that
Dragon's Blood Ruby all in one fell swoop!"

Gulgia spoke through the viewing sphere as her jowls wobbled.
"Just make sure that you do not fail me again, for your sake!"
It was then that Gulgia turned off the viewing sphere as
the three villains nodded.

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