Thursday, April 10, 2014

Gods of Asnorit: Kounia

Here's another of the gods and at the moment the last one I have to post; Kounia, Goddess of Love, Sex, and Beauty. Additionally, Kounia is one of the few which I recently updated with examples of her priests and priestesses.

Kounia- Goddess of Love, Beauty, and Sex. She offers teachings of love, both emotional and physical to her worshippers. Some of her female worshippers make special churches or convents that sometimes act as special brothels, offering to cure sexual ailments (impotence,etc.) or for an offering to their goddess, the priests and priestesses of these churches will sexually service men and women. She is generally portrayed as a curvaceous woman with huge breasts, a large ass, and long red hair. Her symbol is a red diamond-shaped crystal. Her corresponding animals are the butterfly, the rabbit and the hippogryph.

The priests and priestesses of Kounia generally wear very little in regards to clothing. One of Kounia's teachings is not to hide beauty, but to display it whenever possible and we have that shown in her clergy's garments. Additionally, the further that they rise in the hierarchy, the less clothes they wear. 

Gods of Asnorit: Lumos

Another God for the Pantheon, here we have Lumos, God of Light and a prominent figure of Worship by the Light Elves.

Lumos- God of Light and Healing. He is mainly worshipped by Light Elves and clerics. He is the first son of the great sky god, Stratokus who bestowed him with his abilities. He is believed to be a kindly but just god to his worshippers and will lend his power to said worshippers to either heal the wounded and banish/smite creatures of darkness. He is also the god of lost travelers, using the stars to guide his worshippers to their destinations. He is portrayed as a tall, glowing elvish-looking man with pale blonde hair and orbs of light for eyes. His symbol, a sun-like sphere with four points surrounding it with the fourth extending into a beam downwards. His corresponding animals are the eagle, the ram, and the gold great dragon. An old myth about the first dark elves states they were worshippers of Lumos that betrayed him, to which he cursed them to have a weakened life force and they only survived by gaining favor with Gorathone, a god of darkness, theft, and evil.

Gods of Asnorit: Cerehosis

The next in this series, we have Cerehosis, the Goddess of Knowledge and Magic.

Cerehosis- Goddess of Knowledge, Art, and Magic. She is worshipped by sorcerers, scholars, and artists. Her blessings generally impart intelligence, imagination, and inspiration. In some myths, it is believed that after the three creator gods shaped the world, Cerehosis imbued the planet with magic and granted the races of the world with knowledge of how to use it. In fairy myth, they believe Cerehosis is their creator as fairies are the most magical of races in Asnorit. She is generally portrayed as a woman with dark golden hair and dressed in royal violet mage’s robes. Her symbol is a feathered quill with a scroll. Her corresponding animals are the owl, the gorilla, and the arctic lung dragon.

Gods of Asnorit: Pherata

The last in the trifecta of the creator gods of Asnorit, Pherata, Goddess of the Sea.

Pherata- Goddess of the Oceans, other bodies of water, and one of the three great creator gods. In the Asnorit myth of creation, the three gods Pherata, Stratokus, and Terophite combined their powers into one to create the world and the beings that inhabit it. Pherata created the oceans, rivers, lakes, and other bodies of water of the world along with the creatures that inhabit such areas. She gave her water to help Terophite give birth to the first plants. In some myths, Pherata, saddened by the fact that she couldn’t be closer to her worshippers, granted her most devout servants with the ability to survive underwater, thus creating mermaids and other races of the deep. She is generally portrayed as a beautiful woman with hair a deep green-blue, eyes like pearls, shining skin like fish scales, and ears like fish fins. Her symbol is a tidal wave. Her corresponding animals are the angel fish, the sea turtle, and the sea dragon.

Gods of Asnorit: Terophite

Next in the pantheon posting, we have another of the creator gods; Terophite, God of Earth.

Terophite- God of the land and one of the three great creator gods. In the Asnorit myth of creation, the three gods Terophite, Stratokus, and Pherata combined their powers into one to create the world and the beings that inhabit it. Terophite forged the land and with Pherata’s water gave birth to the first plants. He placed many special metals and gems in the earth for those who show effort and determination to explore. He bestowed some of the his gifts to his children like Haethanine who was born with his plants, Loiata, who was born with the help of her elder sister and protects the forest and its animals, and Ifaetari, who watches over the people of the desert lands. He is portrayed as a large, muscular man with long pale green hair and beard like vines or grass leaves, with eyes like emeralds. It is said his skin is almost like bedrock. His symbol is a dark brown mountain with a green peak. His corresponding animals are the beetle, the great mole, and the drake.

Gods of Asnorit: Stratokus

Not simply one of the gods of Asnorit, but one of the creator gods of the world. We start with Stratokus, God of the Sky.

Stratokus- God of the Sky and one of the three great creator gods. In the Asnorit myth of creation, the three gods, Stratokus, Terophite, and Pherata combined their powers into one to create the world and the beings that inhabit it. Stratokus brought forth the sky and granted flight to many creatures.  A myth tells of a group of early people who worshiped Stratokus so greatly, they prayed to be with their god in the sky. With Terophite’s help, Stratokus took a portion of the land, imbued it with flight, and brought his most faithful worshippers to the sky. He bestowed some of his gifts to his children, Scoran, Meloa, Numino, and Lumos who brought the sun, the moon, the stars, and light in general respectively. He also married Terophite’s daughter Ifaetari and gave birth to the Gods of the Winds and Storms. He is generally portrayed as an old but muscular man with curly hair like clouds and eyes as blue as the sky. He is sometimes portrayed possessing large avian wings on his back. His symbol is a ring of cloud. His corresponding animals are the falcon, the pegasus, and the silver great dragon.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Not Dead! I swear!

Sorry there hasn't been much activity recently. Since the end of December, I felt really lethargic and couldn't really focus on anything. I'm not sure if it was the weather screwing with me or what. Fear not though, Lordryunson and myself are working on upcoming chapters and I'm also working on new pics. I'll post some new pics within the next couple of days. Hope you guys will enjoy them.
