Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Expanded Bestiary: Werewolves

Another new addition to the Bestiary. This time one of my favorite shapeshifting creatures: Werewolves.

Werewolves- The most well known of therianthropes, Werewolves are generally people who have been blessed or cursed with the ability of lycanthropy. While werewolves are known for transforming at the full moon, older werewolves and naturally born werewolves can transform at will. They are not always the same and have different personalities. Some are peace loving gurus, others are savage brigands, and others still are more tortured and reclusive. It is also known that they have a weakness for silver and wolf’s bane. It is sometimes believed that if a werewolf fully gives into their beastly side, they will remain in that form forever regardless of the phases of the moon.

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