Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Expanded Bestiary: Basilisks and Salamanders

A new installment of Expanded Bestiary focused on another species of Dragons: The Basilisk and the Salamander.

Basilisks- Basilisks are among the terrestrial breeds of dragons. They are odd creatures looking like a giant horned lizard standing 2 feet tall but 10 feet long with four sets of legs allowing it to quickly burrow into the sandy soil of it’s habitat, mainly the deserts. In mythology this creature is said to possess a paralyzing gaze that turns people to stone but in truth, it sprays a paralyzing toxin from orifices in the corner of it’s eyes that allows the basilisk to eat it’s prey. 
Salamanders- The miniature cousins of the Basilisks. They grow to be about a foot long but four inches high and possess five sets of legs. Covered in thick scales they are able survive in the most inhospitable of habitats such fire places and even volcanoes. They are scavengers generally feeding on the scorched remains of creatures who wandered into their habitat and eating scraps that fall into the fireplace.

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