Saturday, March 30, 2013

More to the World: Dwarf Writing and Runes

A little something I felt like posting to give you guys some more aspects to the world. A look at the dwarven writing and the symbols used in their form of rune magic.

First we have the dwarven alphabet here. Some of these letters arranged in the proper order with the rune can produce a powerful spell. This alphabet is also of course used in writing messages in dwarven. Although, I haven't had a chance to figure out the dwarf language fully, this is at least a start.

Next we have the chart of the various runes used in spell casting. Some of these runes can double for other things like certain forms of spell casting and when put together form the basis for a rune spell.

Finally we have the chart showing how the rune magic works. By etching the proper sequence of runes or dwarven letters, you can gain a great mystical effect by surging magical energy through it. Now, this chart is a little inaccurate since I haven't figured out the dwarves speaking language in the story yet so this is a little bastardized to reflect the english/common speak.

I will hopefully get some new pics or the next chapter out soon.

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