Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Expanded Bestiary: Slimes

A new addition to the Bestiary, with the Slime.

Slimes- One of the more peculiar beings in Asnorit, Slimes are strange primitive creatures with blob-like bodies made of a gelatinous substance. They can be found roaming the plains of Asnorit or sewers in major cities. They can grow in size by their bodies absorbing water or other liquids. They can eat by absorbing prey in their bodies and secreting an acidic substance to dissolve and digest their prey. Slimes can also multiply by being cut in half or grow too large, shedding the extra amount of slime. Though simple, they possess some intelligence and can act as a companion. Some sorcerers have experimented with Slimes and augmented them in certain ways to suit their goals like charging them with infernal energy to make them more aggressive or more commonly converting them into humanoid form as slime golems.

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