Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Something Wicked Chapter 8 pt. 1

My Apologies for taking so long but it's finally here. The First Part of Chapter 8. This chapter is going to be a long one.

Ch. 08
Keepers of the Forest

Cyril stood in a defensive pose opposite his mentor Mikhaela while in a forest. Silence lay around the two as they stood and looked at each other for a few moments until Mikhaela launched an energy ball attack at Cyril. As the sphere came closer to Cyril, he gestured with his staff and the wind changed slightly causing the energy attack to veer off course and explode as it collided with the ground away from Cyril. The buxom sorceress launched a few lighting bolts at her pupil who in turn produced a shield spell which took most of the damage. After dropping the shield, Cyril slammed the bottom of his staff to the ground sending a surge of energy that produced a stalagmite to erupt from the ground and launch his master into the air. Though briefly caught off balance from the launch, Mikhaela quickly regained her balance and used a levitation spell allowing her to float off a few feet above the ground.

“Not bad, Cyril,” Mikhaela said before pointing her hand which glowed green, down to the ground. 

In response, two vines sprung from the ground, came up behind Cyril’s feet and tripped him up. Surprised by this attack, he fell to the ground and Mikhaela floated above him with her hand out stretched like she was going to attack him. However, she planted herself on the ground and offered her hand to help him up. Cyril took her hand and stood up.

“You did very well, Cyril,” Mikhaela said, “You’re making some good progress.”

“Thanks, Mistress,” Cyril replied, smiling at her before a yawn came from his mouth.

Mikhaela looked at her pupil with a bit of concern.

“Are you alright, Cyril?”

“Actually, It’s a little strange. I’ve been a little tired and worn out despite getting a full nights rest for the past few days,” the young sorcerer said.

“That is strange. I wonder...” Mikhaela said trailing off into through.

“You did great,” called a voice who rushed up and hugged Cyril.

Cyril found his body embraced by a human sized Melon Flower, her body still retaining her fairy characteristics like her small pointed ears or her light green insectoid wings but was about five feet tall in height. Clasping to Cyril’s body, Melon Flower’s breasts were rubbing up against his shoulder. Cyril found himself a little surprised and slightly aroused by the fairy girl’s cuddling and encouragement.

“Melon Flower? Where did you come from?” Cyril asked.

“I was watching you guys practice. You were amazing. You’ve got that shield spell down pat and using the air current spell to direct Mikhaela’s attack,” Melon Flower congratulated.

“Oh stop. It’s not really anything special. Anybody with the right creative use of spells could so to-,” Cyril cut himself off when he noticed Mikhaela’s seething furious gaze.

He was briefly unsure if he’d infuriated Mikhaela somehow from this display of affection Melon Flower was giving him. However, it became evident that Mikhaela’s furrowed brow and burning gaze was directed towards Melon Flower when she next opened her mouth.

“Melon Flower. You seem awfully energetic today,” Mikhaela asked.

Melon Flower looked at her with a seemingly oblivious smile, “Really? You think?”

“Oh definitely. Maybe you can share your secret with Cyril,” the redheaded sorceress suggested, “He seems rather exhausted as of late.”

Melon Flower’s smile suddenly disappeared and she looked away from Mikhaela. Cyril noticed the change in Melon Flower’s attitude and movements.

“Tell me Melon Flower, have you spent so much time with Dark Elves that you picked up a few bad habits from them?”

“Mikhaela, that seems a little out of line-,” Cyril said before Melon Flower chimed in irritated.

“Hey, don’t compare me to them! I’m not draining Cyril to his deathbed!” Melon Flower said.

Silence fell between the three and Cyril turned to Melon Flower.

“Melon Flower...”

“Ok, I admit it. I’ve been sneaking into Cyril’s bed at night and sucking his cock,” She said, “I still have my sexual needs and I get hungry.”

“Hungry?” Cyril and Mikhaela asked.

“Yes. It’s not easy to make something for yourself in the dead of night in the middle of nowhere and I didn’t want to reduce our rations on midnight snacks. Plus sperm is rather tasty,” Melon Flower explained.

As the two looked at her rather surprised, Melon Flower suddenly began to fondle Cyril’s crotch. Cyril blushed before softly groaning as his junk was played with.

“Ah! Melon Flower! What are you-,” Cyril started.

“Besides, often when I get up, he’s sporting this major stiffy in his sleep,” Melon Flower said to Mikhaela, “I don’t know about you but seems to speak of him not getting enough attention or simply not being satisfied by his over stacked teacher.”

Mikhaela looked at Melon Flower with rage at the rather obvious insult to not only her bust size but her skills in bed.

“I’ll show you unsatisfied!” Mikhaela said ripping off her student’s pants and undergarments and began roughly stroking Cyril’s cock.

“Hey!” Melon Flower said attempting to fondle and caress Cyril to get him off before Mikhaela.

Cyril suddenly was unsure what to do apart from moan and groan from the mix of pleasure and pain as both women fought over his member. He really didn’t dare make any attempt to break up the fight should they think he’s playing favorites or something and the threat that this argument would escalate into potential circumcision. However, he was actually saved by the arrival of Levine, walking up to the group.

“Cyril. Ms. Mikhaela. Are you finished practicing-,” She stopped when she spotted the sight of Melon Flower and Mikhaela fighting over Cyril’s pelvis with his pants down. Everyone seemed to freeze as Levine looked on the group with surprise and irritation. Their freeze disturbed when Prince Anthony waltzed up and saw the scene as well.

“Whoa! Now this is the kind of practice I can get behind. Why wasn’t I invited-AUGH!” He groaned in pain as Levine clocked him hard on the head and turned back to the frozen three.

“Can you perverts please just get ready so we can go?” She said.

After getting Cyril’s pants back up and getting Prince Anthony back to consciousness, the party began traveling again. They walked through the forest for a few hours before arriving at their next destination, the village of Wildan.

Wildan was not a very large town. It was a village with only a few small homes and farms near the entrance to the town along with shops and other buildings. There was very little to the town and almost no people in the streets. The group looked at the place in silence as they walked further into the village square but Melon Flower, who was now her normal size and riding on Cyril’s shoulder, decided to speak up.

“Well, this is shabby town,” Melon Flower said.

“Hush,” Uahna shushed, “Don’t be rude.”

“Well, everyone was thinking it,” Melon Flower replied.

“I have to agree that this town doesn’t appear to be much,” Mikhaela said, “Such a small place won’t have much in the way of supplies.”

“I’d assume this is more a farming community still very new for the most part,” Uahna observed, “Probably only getting things not of farm make when merchant caravans pass through town.”

They walked almost the edge of the village when they found a large sign like a billboard standing in front of a forest. The sign read:

Future sight of expansion of Wildan

Past the sign lay several axes and saws on the ground, with blades shattered or worn just in front of a large forest which looked so deep and dark that it made a portion of the group get a little nervous.  Just in front of the wood stood an aged and worn sign. Crudely etched into the sign was this warning:

Magra Forest
Enter if you dare

“By the Gods, what a foreboding place,” Uahna said.

Cyril walked forward towards the forest with Mikhaela and Levine following him. Melon Flower grasped onto Cyril’s collar and tugged it.

“Why exactly are we going towards the forest of death?” Melon Flower asked.

“We’re not,” Cyril said as he knelt down to examine one of the axes.

Mikhaela kneeling beside him while Levine looked at one of the other axes. Both were smelted completely of iron rather than a blade of iron and a handle of wood. 

“This axe is better suited for battle,” Levine commented, “Why would they use these to cut down trees?”

The same thing was on Cyril and Mikhaela’s minds as well as they inspected the shattered edge of the axe like it had struck an object that was too strong and broke. Yet there was only trees, not any telltale signs of combat. They also noticed a couple of trees which looked like saplings.

“Something’s off here,” Mikhaela said, “Let’s get some rooms first and then maybe ask about this from the villagers.”

Cyril nodded and they prepared to leave. As they started to walk off, the group noticed Levine was still standing in front of the forest. 

“Levine?” Cyril asked attempting to get a response.

Levine did not seem to hear it as she continued to stare into the forest, almost as if she caught in a trance. Uahna became a little worried about her long time companion and ventured closer to her, placing her elegant slender fingers on her fellow elf’s shoulder.

“Levine,” She said giving the other elf a slight start as she turned to her noble blood friend, “Come on. We’re getting some rooms.”

“R-right,” Levine said as the two elves returned to their party and ventured forth to find lodgings.

They found a small tavern and inn not too far from the forest. It was a tall wooden building almost like a two story log cabin with a sign above the door proclaiming it’s title, the Oak Haven. Entering the establishment, the party found a tavern area with a bar and a some empty tables. A group of men sitting at a long table, slogging down tankards of ale and talking amongst themselves. They payed little attention to the arrival of the company. Standing behind the bar was an older gentlemen somewhere in his 50s or so, evidenced by his muted red hair, receding hair line, and wrinkles on his face. The group approached the bar and spoke to him.

“Hello sir, Would you be the owner of this place?” Mikhaela said, “We’re looking for rooms.” 

“Yes, I’m the owner and bartender of this Tavern. Name’s Brigor Hevensten,” the Bartender introduced himself, “As for rooms, I’ve got only got three vacancies available.”

Mikhaela looked to the group and then back to Brigor, “We can figure out sleeping arrangements among three rooms.”

“Very well, then that it’d 75 gold per room per night,” Brigor stated.

“Yikes,” Cyril said, “Seems a little steep doesn’t it?”

“Oi, that includes meals and access to the bar,” Brigor elaborated, “We’ve got some of the best service in the whole village.”

While most of the group agreed with this and were listening, Anthony noticed a female server coming from the kitchen to the long table. The server was a young woman roughly his age or younger with curly yellow hair and slender body defined by some curves to her dress. Anthony smiled and turned to Brigor.

“I don’t suppose that includes special service from the staff?” he asked.

“If you mean that girl, Tiana, you won’t get any service from her unless you’re willing to walk out of here with broken fingers,” Brigor said giving him a threatening stare.

“Fair enough,” The ebon haired prince replied pulling out his money sack and giving Brigor the total for a night at the Oak Haven for the three remaining rooms.

As Brigor left to get his new customers some beverages, Mikhaela noticed Anthony’s cash bag and how it seemed smaller and lighter then previously. This brought a bit of concern about the state of their funds.

“Anthony, your sack of money seems a bit light,” She said to him.

“I’m touched by your concern, Mikhaela,” Anthony said, “No need to worry. I still have a fair amount of pocket money to help fund the expedition.”

“And attempt to get into the pants of every serving girl who tickles his fancy by giving them big tips,” Levine muttered under her breath. 

“And what happens when you do run out of pocket money?” Mikhaela asked.

“Again it is not a problem. My parents have set up an allowance for me. We can merely contact my parents, and have them send someone with more money for us,” He explained matter-of-factly.

“But the treasury of your family isn’t limitless and transporting the money wouldn’t be easy,” Cyril said, “Transportation Spells require certain materials and transporting the money the long way leaves the deliver at risk of being attacked by brigands.”

“And it also leaves us at a disadvantage,too,” Mikhaela said, “The longer we stay in one place, the more chance Ravutha’s forces or one of the other parties after us will try to seize the opportunity to attack us. Waiting for an envoy from your family would take too long especially the further we get from Mobas, Cambino, or even Ranell if our journey takes us out of the continent. We need to consider our funds and expenses.”

“I have some money but most of it is silver and copper pieces,” Cyril said.

“My father had given Levine and Myself some money to live off but if it’s split up amongst five people, it won’t last long,” Uahna explained.

“What about you, Mistress?” Cyril asked turning to Mikhaela.

“I do have some money but it’s not all Ranell currency. Some of it’s from other continents and in the case of Saunram, their money is different from each of the different city states,” Mikhaela explained, “The only way we’d be able to exchange it would be if we were in a mixed city where banks can be found to exchange the different types of money.”

Cyril sighed, “so we’d need to start taking on jobs or work where we can get it in towns.” 

As they spoke, Brigor returned with their beverages, placing their mugs in front of each of them. They each took their beverages and started to drink them but Cyril spoke to their landlord.

“Hey Brigor, Do you know of any jobs available at the moment?”

“Not unless you can wait until harvest season,” Brigor said, “Or know anything about tree trimming.”

“Tree Trimming?” Cyril asked confused.

“Yes,” Brigor said, “You saw that billboard in front of the forest, right?”

“Yeah, you guys are planning to take down that forest to expand the village?” Cyril said.

No one noticed the slight twitch of Levine’s ear.

“Well, Mainly it was our mayor’s idea. Our town has mainly been a farming community since our ancestors settled here. While it can be helpful at times, we do not always get revenue during the off season. It can also be difficult to send carts out to neighboring towns. We mainly only see traders come through,” Brigor elaborated, “Saul Matrin, our current mayor proposed the idea of expanding the village to get in new shops and other amenities to get some new lifeblood into this place.” 

“Doesn’t sound like a bad idea,” Mikhaela replied.

“Aye, it doesn’t...if you’re not familiar with things around this town or with the forest beyond it,” Brigor hinted.

“What do you mean?” Cyril asked curiously, as was his nature.

“Well, you see Magra Forest has stood for years, even before Wildan was settled on,” Brigor began, “Our ancestors were often uneasy and superstitious of the place. It didn’t help when they met the druids.”

“Druids? What’s a druid?” Prince Anthony said.

“They’re a particular form of spell caster oriented around nature. They practice magic focused on the natural landscape, using elemental spells related to water and plants, studying special herbs that they use in healing potions, and some of the most skilled have a psionic connection the environment they inhabit,” Mikhaela explained to the prince.

“Aye, A group of druids lived in Magra Forest when our ancestors founded the town. Our grandparents have told us stories of the druids who met the founders and warned them not to venture too far into the forest or to cut down too many trees of Magra. Many of us are not sure if the druids still reside in the forest but heed the warning all the same since almost everyone has ventured into Magra and left in fear,” Brigor further explained, “Some who didn’t heed, either returned in a gibbering mess while others never came back. We’ve only touched the forest to get some firewood and nothing more. Mayor Matrin however, didn’t seem to believe the stories and hired those woodsmen to demolish the forest. However the forest attacked the woodsmen and other strange phenomenon occurred when they attempted it. Now, they’ve gone on strike and take up space in my tavern.”

“What do you think about the forest, Brigor?” Uahna asked.

Brigor cocked an eyebrow and went on, cleaning an old mug as he spoke, “I’ve been raised in this town all my life and same for pap, and grandpa. I’ve held Magra in respected fear since I was old enough to know better. Perhaps the druids still live in the forest or perhaps their sect died and placed a curse upon the forest to prevent trespassers. I can’t say. All I know I’d be careful if I was you.”

Cyril and Mikhaela thought a bit before looking at each other.

“You thinking we should check this out?” Cyril asked.

“Definitely. Let’s get our luggage in our rooms and find this Mayor,” Mikhaela said.

Brigor sighed, “You’re daft but spirited, I’ll give you that. If you want to see the mayor, You can find him at the town hall. It’s not far from ‘ere.”

“Thanks, Brigor,” Cyril said.

After disputing who would sleep in which rooms, with Prince Anthony being shot down by Mikhaela and Levine opting to sleep in their rooms, our heroes made their way to the town hall. It was a large building made of stone bricks and wood, done a way that was simple but spoke of authority. With directions from a page at the entrance, The party travelled through a hall before entering a large office where a dispute was being hashed out between two men. One stood behind a wooden desk while the other stood in front of him. The man at the desk, without a doubt was the mayor Saul Matrin. He was a slender fellow dressed in formal clothes of brown slacks, a long sleeve shirt that tinged of yellow, and a reddish brown vest. His body language and visage spoke of a man who was frustrated with a pasty complexion and loose locks of his caramel colored hair falling over his forehead as he spoke.

The other man was somewhat formal but seemed more collected and dignified with a minor hint of annoyance in his voice. He too was pale skinned but had slicked backed black hair and green eyes slightly veiled by a pair of spectacles resting on the bridge of his hawk like nose. He was draped in a royal violet cloak decorated with gold and silver stars and a symbol of a sword and scepter crossed over a bull and shield. His cloak obscured his own formal wear of a long coat and pants of a shade of royal blue. Cyril looked on in surprise and a certain study with a particular hypothesis about the man in front of the desk which Anthony of all people confirmed.

“A royal caster,” Anthony said quietly.

Cyril had heard of the Royal Casters before but had never seen one. They were an organization of wizards chosen by royalty for their amazing power and skill at the craft. The Royal Casters offered their skills to deal with great national problems and are believed to be greater than any military force. Cyril was slightly surprised that Prince Anthony, of all people would be the one to know anything about them but reasoned that it actually made sense. Anthony was a member of one of the royal families so, he would be fully aware of their existence and purpose. The group continued to listen while the two men bickered.

“But Mr. Icarnus, this forest is enchanted. Surely, such a peculiar situation is worth the attention of the Royal Casters,” Matrin said to the sorcerer.

“I think differently. The Royal Casters’ jurisdiction doesn’t fall within this incident. I should know as an inspector for the group,” Icarnus replied, “Unless this forest somehow decides to start a rebellion in Cambino or abducts a member of one of the royal families, It would be a waste of time.”

“But this forest is threatening my citizens, subjects of Cambino. Are you saying that isn’t worthy of your attention,” Matrin replied.

“Citizens safety is important but we are not some group of hired sorcerers you can simply call when you have a problem. Besides the forest doesn’t seem to be actually kidnapping anyone. It’s probably just some group of sorcerers in the forest and they can be dealt with by someone else,” Saying this, Icarnus turned towards the door.

“Wait, where are you going?” Matrin asked.

“To the Oak Haven Inn. The teleportation to this end of the boonies has drained the charm I have. It will take two or three days before it’s up to full power and can take me back to headquarters,” Icarnus said, “Figure I’ll read a book or two to pass the time.”

“What about the problem with the forest?!?” Matrin asked.

At this point, Icarnus threw up his hands in frustration.

“Place an advertisement in the next town. Hire an exorcist or a band of bounty hunters. I care little for what you do, Mayor Matrin as long as it doesn’t waste any more of  my or my guild’s time,” Icarnus said before leaving the office altogether. 

Matrin sat back in his chair with his head in his hands, grumbling as the party entered his office. Matrin noticed the group mainly thanks to Mikhaela walking in front and one would have to be blind not to notice her bosom. Of course, Mr. Matrin did not look upon her with a look of sexual desire but had an expression that spoke of his irritation to be bothered by people he didn’t recognize.

“Hello, Mr. Matrin,” Mikhaela greeted.

“Who are you?” He said.

“We’re a group of travelers and we heard about your plight,” Mikhaela said, “We wished to assist you in some way.”

Matrin looked over the group. None of the group looked like some kind of demolition crew or group of woodsman. They looked more like a group of tourists, except for the mage staff carried by the brown haired boy and the cloak worn by the top heavy woman speaking to him.

“Does your group have any skill in dealing with mystical phenomenon?” He asked.

“Well, Most of the group are mages of some sort. One of us is a cleric of Lumos and Meloa, skilled at dispelling any dark entities, My student is a fairly competent sorcerer in his own right,” She gestured towards Uahna and Cyril respectively as she said this, “And I am a powerful magic user as well in various schools such as Necromancy of the Legal persuasion.”

Matrin sighed, “Look, you seem to have some skill but I require more ‘professional’ help. Besides, I do not trust elves.”

A slight ring of disgust came from his voice at the mention of the elven kind in the room. Levine’s brow furrowed slightly at the mayor’s obvious prejudice towards her, Uahna, and their race.

“So why don’t you take skills somewhere e-,” the mayor stopped himself when he noticed something about Anthony. On his right hand, the black haired boy bore a silver ring with a blue gemstone. The craftsmanship and significance of the ring were unmistakeable. A smile came to his lips and Matrin’s manner changed instantly from abrasive and authoritative to inviting and gracious.

“Prince Anthony of Callister! It is an honor, my lord,” Matrin said bowing to the ebon haired prince.

Anthony gained a slight boost to his ego from this presentation, “Why thank you, Mayor Matrin.”

“Your grace, I must ask why are you away from Mobas and have to come to visit my humble little village?”

“Well, I sought to travel abroad and your town was on the way in the travels. My companions and I wished help you and perhaps gain some compensation from you for our efforts,” Anthony explained.

“Most gracious of you, My Liege,” Matrin replied.

The rest of the group looked upon the exchange with dumbfounded and flat expressions. Melon Flower sighed at the sight and spoke to Cyril from her seat on his shoulder.

“Quick change from asshole to pleasant when he noticed ‘his liege’.”

“Hush,” Cyril replied in a hushed tone, “At least, Anthony’s status is of more use than giving him his pomposity.”

“So, what exactly is going on in your forest?” Mikhaela asked the Mayor.

“I’m sure you heard the history of our town from other locals?” Mayor Matrin said.

“Yes, Brigor from the Oak Haven Inn explained some of it to us,” Mikhaela said.

“Then you are aware of the predicament for the most part. The forest is enchanted or haunted and the Woodsmen I’ve hired will not remove the trees.”

“Yes we understand that but what phenomenon makes you believe the forest is haunted?” Cyril asked.


“We’ve only heard superstitions and rumors but what of actual events?” Cyril elaborated.

Mikhaela smiled at her student’s inquisitive request. Curiosity and a keen intellect are good traits in a mage who wishes to move forward.

“I will give you accounts,” Matrin said beginning to explain things, “A week ago, the Woodsmen arrived and started work. It seemed like was going well until they began to push further into the forest. As they did, the branches of the trees began to stretch out and grasp their axes, some of them even caught up as well. They managed to leave the forest but returned with larger numbers, each woodsman teamed up with another to act as a bodyguard of sorts and hack away at any tree attempting to get them. This seemed to work until the wooden axe handles began to grow roots and branches, seeding into the ground and replacing the trees had been felled. After returning, I charged the local blacksmith with making cast iron axes for each of the woodsmen. A day later, they returned to work only find that the trees had become impervious to their strikes, as if the bark of the trees had become stone or steel. After attempting to chomp them down only led to shattered axe blades or bent handles, the troupe returned claiming they would not return and cancelled their contract with me, only staying for the booze at the Oak Haven Inn. Thus you can see why I need skilled magic users to deal with this problem.”

The Group listened to the report from Matrin. All of them took in this information while Levine, Cyril and Mikhaela seemed contemplative of his descriptions. Anthony however spoke up first.

“Have no fear, Mr. Mayor. My companions and I will deal with this problem for you. We will exorcise whatever evil spirits reside in the forest and-,” He was cut off by Cyril.

“We will investigate the forest for this phenomenon,” Cyril said.

Mayor Matrin and Anthony looked at him incredulously.

“Investigate? Isn’t such a thing unnecessary from what I’ve told you?” Matrin asked the mage.

“It’s better to be safe than sorry. We’ll check out what sort of things are going on in the forest and if it looks like the place is haunted, My Mistress and our cleric will deal with the problem. What about payment?” Cyril asked.

Matrin huffed, “Very well, I could give you 450 gold for the ‘investigation’ and exorcism. Sound reasonable?”

“Very. Could I also have a look at copies of the reports about the three incidents at the forest?” Cyril asked.

“What? But I just explained it to you,” Matrin said. 

“I’m a stickler for detail,” Cyril said with a smirk.

Matrin looked at him, “Fine but only as you are a companion to the prince.”

He begrudgingly handed three scrolls to Cyril and then turned to the prince, “Please be careful in the forest, my lord. It’s quite dangerous. We wouldn’t want anything to happen to the heir of the kingdom.”

“Your concern is touching, Mayor Matrin. However, I wonder if you could show your hospitality by...sending over some ‘company’ who could show me a good time,” Anthony requested.

The mayor smirked, “Indeed, My Lord. I will send some girls to the inn for you.”

Anthony smiled and followed his companions out of the mayor’s office. Mikhaela gave him a look of seriousness, “Don’t spend too much time with ‘company’, Prince. We’ll be venturing into the forest tomorrow.”

“Speaking of company,” Melon Flower said transforming into human size and cuddling up against Cyril, “Perhaps you could give me some tonight. Huh, Cyril?”

Melon Flower would find herself sorely mistaken as an hour or so later, she found herself sitting in a gilded cold iron cage, which Mikhaela had in her pit bag, on a nightstand in a room shared between Cyril and Mikhaela. She sat bored as Cyril read through books and scrolls and Mikhaela was bathing in the other room. The fairy thief groaned.

“Uggh! I’m so bored! Cyril, let me out of the cage! I could make studying way more fun,” She said suggestively.

“You can find another way to amuse yourself,” Mikhaela said to the fairy as she exited the bathroom drying herself off.

Melon Flower pouted but quickly directed her persuasion towards the bouncy sorceress. 

“You know, I could use my magic to become Cyril and give you a night to remember. I’ll even make him more muscular and give him a bigger dick,” the fae girl suggested.

“Sorry, I prefer the real thing,” Mikhaela said in response to her.

Melon Flower went back to sulking as Mikhaela approached Cyril at the desk. She leaned against him causing her breasts to press against his back. Cyril didn’t appear to budge as Mikhaela pressed against him and looked over his shoulder.

“Whatcha doing? Studying my dear student?” Mikhalea asked.

“Somewhat. Something about these reports of phenomenon seemed familiar to me. They reeked of a particular magic school,” Cyril said.

“Indeed. They’re of one of the elemental classes of magic. Plant or Nature Elemental Spells,” Mikhaela said conversing with her student.

“Exactly but I’ve never heard of a ghost that could use these spells and though there’s a spell to awaken sentience in plants but if cast it would have accelerated the forest’s growth rate and would probably caused more prominent incidents by now instead being so docile or dormant.”

Mikhaela nodded, “I concur. I’m sure though that as my brilliant pupil, you’ve come to the same conclusion I have.”

“I think so but something’s not right about it,” Cyril said.

“Well, we can think about it more later. Right now, though,” Mikhaela said as she caressed the crotch of Cyril’s pants which had gained a rather obvious bulge, “I think you should take a break. Don’t want to be burnt out plus after a good fuck, you’ll rest easy and be ready for tomorrow.”

Cyril smiled at his teacher’s proposition, especially from the added persuasion of her gargantuan breasts rubbing against his back. Melon Flower was a bit ticked by this.

“Wait, so I’m going to have to sit here in this cage while you screw Cyril right in front of me?” Melon Flower said.

Mikhaela looked back at her and gave her a devious grin. Melon Flower looked at her furiously.

“You evil bitch!” Melon Flower said.

Before the fairy could release more curses, Mikhaela cast a spell to make her mute while she and Cyril went about their business. A few hours later when the inn lay quiet, a small winged creature flew into Prince Anthony’s room, where the prince lay unconscious with two women snuggling on either side of him. The winged creature crept towards the trio of comatose humans and went to the royal heir’s right hand. The creature’s small clawed fingers slipped off the silver ring and flew back out of the room. After a little more flying through the waning moon-lit night, the creature, specifically an imp, arrived at it’s destination. It perched on a window sill in front of a man.

“Did you get the ring?” the man asked.

“Yes, Master. He was too tired to notice I got it off him and will probably not notice until tomorrow,” the Imp said presenting the ring.

“Good work, Klamp,” the shadowy master said taking the ring and giving the imp a mouse which he began devouring, “This is just want I need for my plans.”

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